Makarimi Abdullah

Paphinia herrerae

Paphinia herrerae
Mokara unknown

Kagawara Christie Low

Aerides lawrenciae
Close-up: Aerides lawrenciae
Phalaenopsis speciosa

Phalaenopsis speciosa

Phalaenopsis speciosa

Phalaenopsis violacea coerulea
Clowesatum Creative Lantern

Cycnoches peruvianum
Lc Betty Gotto

Blc Yen Surprise
Bulbophyllum lowii

Pleurothallis grobyi
Flowers and fear are a lot alike. For one, flowers and fear have a distinct smell, and two, I’m currently trying to grow both in my garden ~ Jarod Kintz
Makarimi Abdullah

Let the pictures speak...

Close-up: Dendrobium venustum

Dendrobium venustum

Inflorescent Dendrobium venustum 

Dendrobium wallesii

Dendrobium insignis 'alba'

Dendrobium insignis

Bulbophyllum dearie inflorescent
Front angle: Bulbophyllum dearie 
Side angle: Bulbophyllum dearie
Bulbophyllum claptonense
Bulbophyllum lobii 
Bulbophyllum echinolabium
Bulbophyllum echino
Dendrobium Classic Gem
Phalaenopsis speciosa

Phalaenopsis speciosa

Phalaenopsis speciosa
Phalaenopsis bellina coerulea
Phalaenopsis bellina
Diacattleya Chantilly Lace

Lc Blue Boy

Lc unknown

Rodriguezia venusta  Plant

Close-up: Rodriguezia venusta

Blc Anna Balmores

Lc unknown

Cycnoches pentadactylon
Jumellia comorensis

Happiness radiates like the fragrance from a flower and draws all good things towards you ~ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Makarimi Abdullah
Good day readers around the world...

Here are few selected plants blooming at Orchid de Dangau garden. Let the pictures speaks...

Bulbophyllum longisepalum
Bulbophyllum claptonense

Close-up: Bulbophyllum claptonense

Bulbophyllum arfakianum 'green'
Phalaenopsis hybrid unknown

Phalaenopsis Chuah Poh Guek

Phalaenopsis Chuah Poh Guek
Blc Little Toshie x Lc Loog Tone

Thw. Varut Feastfull

Ascocentrum hybrid unknown

Catasetum (Susan Fuchs x Penang Red)

Cattleya kerrii

The flower that smells the sweetest is shy and lowly ~ William Wordsworth