Makarimi Abdullah
Nothing much to do, just waiting until sunshine again. Since Taiping orchid show, which start on 12 March until today, every day is raining, either in the morning or evening. Nothing much I can do, just watch my garden from inside my house.
Here I post part II of Taiping Orchid Show pictures, enjoy!
This post I dedicate and welcome to my new Orchid Friend -
Zbigniew Liszewski from
Czech with
Sudety blog and
flickr to my Orchid de Dangau. Thanks
Zbigniew Liszewski for being my
42nd friend here. I really appreciate your support.
Makarimi Abdullah
It's quite long time I'm not update this blog. So many reasons...too busy with many things. To all followers and commentators...I'm so sorry.
Here are somes pictures was captured during Taiping Orchid Show which held @ Taiping Sentral Shopping Complex from 12 March to 20 March 2011. Hope you enjoy...
Best Plant of the Show : Dendrobium Spectabile |
Best Plant of the Show : Dendrobium Spectabile |
Best Reserve Plant of the Show : Catacetum Penang Red x ???
Best Reserve Plant of the Show : Catacetum Penang Red x ???
Best Species Plant of the Show : Dendrobium Lindleyi
This post I dedicate and welcome to my new Orchid Friend -
m3rma1d from United States with her
Fuzzy Foliage blog to my Orchid de Dangau. Thanks
m3rma1d for being my 41st friend here. I really appreciate your support.