Makarimi Abdullah
Hi All,

So sorry my mutual friends. Almost a month this event finished, only today I got time to update this event [using public computer ;-( ]...my computer break down...;-( only can updates a few...others will update soon when my computer OK.  Here are the updates of this show.

Penang Annually Orchid Show 2012 (June 2012)

Organize by: Federation of Malaya Orchid Society (FOMOS)

Sponsored by: Penang State Government

Date: 3rd June - 10th June 2012

Time: 9.00am-7.00pm

Venue: Tourism Center Building, Penang Botanic Garden, Georgetown, Penang

Plant Registration: 2nd June 2012 (9.00am - 1.00pm)

Welcoming Poster....Penang Floral Festival 2012

Winners for 4 major prices.

Best Plant of The Show - Dendrobium macrophyllum

6 spikes of Dendrobium macrophyllum
Close-up: Dendrobium macrophyllum
Best Species: Bulbophyllum graveolens

Close-up: Bulbophyllum graveolens
1st- Runner Up: Kagawara Dinesh Gold

Close-up: Kagawara Dinesh Gold
2nd Runner-Up: Paphiopedilum gigantifolium

Close-up: Paphiopedilum gigantifolium

will be continued....

Flowers are the music of the ground, From earth's lips spoken without sound ~ EDWIN CURRAN