Makarimi Abdullah
Lama nak update, tapi baru kali ini berkesempatan, kerana kurang sihat sejak seminggu lalu.
Long time I not update this blog, my health not so good since last week.
Selain pameran dan pertandingan landskap, yang menjadi tarikan utama di sini adalah Pameran dan Pertandingan Orckid yang di adakan di sini.
Besides landscape show, there are also Orchid Shows and competitions, which is another attraction in SGF2012.
Yang menariknya pokok-pokok orkid yang menang dalam pertandingan ini di berikan pelbagai 'award' dari penganjur. Bukan satu atau dua malah lebih dari itu.
The interesting I want to highlight here, the plant which won the best in section or categories can win a lot of awards, so many, even sometimes it is quite confuse. But this so interesting.
Berikut adalah sebahagian yang sempat OdD ambil gambar tempoh hari.
Here are some pictures I captured during that show to enjoy ;)
Rows of Vanda, Kagawara, Renenthera, Aranda and Ascocenda at the show area |
Hanging Phalaenopsis and Dendrobium at the show area |
Horn types Dendrobiums in the show area |
Best Plant of the Show : This plant won plenty awards! |
Best Plant of the Show : Dendrobium schulleri |
Best Hybrid: Dendrobium Mah Bow Tan |
Doritaenopsis Ox Firebird |
Best in Phalaenopsis Section |
Vanda Dr Anek x Arach Maggie |Ooi |
Best in Aranda Section |
Oncidesa Gower Ramsey |
Epc. Rene Marques 'Flamethrower' |
Encyclia alata |
Rhyncolaelia dgibyana x Cattleya walkeriana |