Makarimi Abdullah
Hari ini Federation of Malaya Orchid Society (FOMOS) telah mengadakan mesyuarat agung tahunan. Bersempena dengan mesyuarat ini, di adakan mini orchid show, yang mana hanya ahli FOMOS yang berbayar sahaja dibenarkan untuk menyertai pertandingan ini. Setiap ahli dibenarkan membawa hanya 1 pokok untuk menyerikan majlis ini. Jadi terdapat kurang lebih 30 pokok yang menyertainya, banyak juga ahli yang tidak menyertainya.
Pameran ini terpaksa di hadkan kerana, mesyuarat agung tahunan kali ini di adakan di Hotel, maka tempat adalah terlalu terhad. Tiada tempat terbaik atau nombor yang diberikan, akan tetapi bagi setiap peserta/ pokok diberikan hadiah berupa wang tunai sebagai saguhati dan galakan. Berikut adalah maklumat penuh berkaitan acara ini dan beberapa keping gambar yang sempat OdD rakamkan pagi tadi.
Today is FOMOS AGM, in conjunction of this event, there are mini orchid show. This show only open to paid members and all the members only can bring just 1 plant. The AGM was held at the hotel, which give us a limited space, that why 1 person only allow to bring just 1 plant. No award to the best plant or whatever, all the participants got the price of cash money to encourage them and thanks to them by joining this event. Below are the details about this event and the pictures.
AGM FOMOS Mini Orchid Show
Date: 16th September 2012
Time: 10.00am - 1.00pm
Venue: Conference room, Georgetown City Hotel, Penang
FOMOS AGM 2012 - Georgetown City Hotel |
Show Setup |
Show Setup |
Cattleytonia why not walk |
Blc Keowee 'Wing of Fire' |
Bc. Maikai x Cattleya Intermedia |
Cattleya Monte Elegante 'New Port' |
Tollumnia NoID |
Phalaenopsis Permata Rosmah Mansor |
Phalaenopsis bellina |
Oncidium Palmyra 'Golden Girl' |
Clowesetum Raymond Learner |
Dendrobium Lime Frost |
Renenthera (Azimah x Bangkok Flame) |
Vasco. Pratumtanee x Ascda Peggy Foo |
Ascda. Jewel Allison |
Rhrds. Suranaree |
Vanda Coerulea x |
Asco. Suksamran Beauty 'Pink' |
don't worry about how the're going to bloom. They just open up and
turn toward the light and that makes them beautiful. ~Jim Carrey
Makarimi Abdullah
Details about the show:
Taiping Monthly Orchid Show September 2012Date: 9th September 2012 (Sunday)
Time: 9.00am - 2.00pm
Venue: Taiping Lake Garden, Taiping, Perak
Registration of Plant: 9.00am - 11.00am (9th September 2012)
Let the pictures talk ;-)
Best Plant of the Show : Spathoglottis NoID |
Best Plant of the Show - Close-up |
Reserve Best Plant of the Show - Dendrobium Tan Kheng Lian |
Dendrobium Tan Kheng Lian - Close-up |
Dendrobium NoID - Horn type |
Dendrobium NoID - Horn type |
Dendrobium NoID - Horn type |
Dendrobium taurinum ??? |
Dendrobium NoID - Horn type |
Dendrobium NoID - Horn type |
Dendrobium Meritt Island |
Dendrobium Pink Lady |
Dendrobium Inobi Purple |
Dendrobium NoID |
Dendrobium Suree Peach |
Dendrobium Suree Peach |
Dendrobium NoID |
Dendrobium (Promote Pink x Burana Jade) |
Lc. Netrasiri Doll 'Bicentenial' |
Lc. Netrasiri Doll |
Rth. Varut Feastfull |
Lc. Hawaiian Treat |
Dendrobium Kedah Frosty |
Dendrobium Frosty Dawn |
Trichocentrum Noorah |
Trichocentrum luridum |
Trichocentrum luridum |
Spathoglottis lobii |
Coelogyne pandurata |
Cymbidium dayana |
Encyclia chocaenchila |
Schormburgkia Splendida (Lailea splendida) |
Nobody sees a flower - really - it is so small it takes time - we
haven't time - and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time ~ Georgia O'Keeffe