Makarimi Abdullah

Salam and Good Day to all visitors,

Hampir sebulan berlalu, baru ada kesempatan kepada OdD untuk memuat naik 'post' ini. OdD terlalu sibuk dengan tugas di pejabat dan pelbagai kerja luar kawasan...hampir setiap minggu dan berturut-turut...agak keletihan ;(

A lot of news and update coming soon, Visiting to Elephant City, Orchid Show and many more will update accordingly and slowly... still busy until Eid Mubarak I think, but I will try my best to update this blog time to time.

Terima kasih atas kesabaran dan kesetian anda mengikuti perkembangan blog ini. 

Here the update for Penang (FOMOS) Annually Orchid Show 2013 on first week of June 2013.

FOMOS Annually Orchid Show 2013 in conjunction with Penang Flower Paradise 2013

Organiser: Federation Of Malaya Orchid Society (FOMOS) & Penang Botanic Garden 

Date: 1st June - 9th June 2013

Venue: Penang Botanic Garden, Georgetown, Penang

Best Plant Of The Show: Vasco. Pine River 'Pink' 4N

Close-up Best Plant of the Show: Vasco. Pine River 'Pink' 4N

1st Runner-up: Kagawara Diinesh Gold

Close-up: 1st Runner-up: Kagawara Diinesh Gold

2nd Runner-up: Ascda. Fuchs Gold x Vasco. Shigenori Yamanaka

Close-up 2nd Runner-up:
Ascda. Fuchs Gold x Vasco. Shigenori Yamanaka

Best Species: Dimorphorcis lowii

Close:Up Best Species: Dimorphorcis lowii