Makarimi Abdullah
Hi all,

So sorry for not updating this blog for very long time. I'm so busy with many things due to moving to new place and working environment. I will update accordingly the previous events and  activities since June to the latest updates. 
I have many materials and stories to share here. I will do my best to all my fans and visitors ;)
Once again so sorry friends ...

Here is the latest events for this October.

Kedah Orchid Show in conjunction with 6th Convocation AIMST University

Venue: AIMST University, Kedah

Date: 9th October - 12th October 2013

Time: 9:00am - 6.00pm
Dendrobium and Tolumnia section

Thricocentrum and Cattleya allied hybrid sections

Best Plant of the Show: Dendrobium Meritt Island

Best Orchid Species: Liparis latifolia
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Best Reserve Plant: Brassavola Little Star

I was very sorry when I found out that your intentions were good and not what I supposed they were ~ Sitting Bull