Makarimi Abdullah
Close-up: Dtps. Taiping Festival

Dtps. Taiping Festival
Close-up: Dendrobium Wassellii

Pencil Dendrobium: Dendrobium wassellii
Laelia anceps x Schormburgkia spendida

Blc (Lucky Strike x Pink Diamond)

Phalaenopsis Chuah Pua Guek

Lc Ploenpit Clown

Phalaenopsis hybrid
Bl Morning Glory

Lc Orange Nugget x Blc Hadyai Delight

Cattleya forbesii
This life has been a landscape of pain and still, flowers bloom in it ― Sanober Khan
Makarimi Abdullah
Salam and Good day,

This post is tribute to Gunung Jerai (formerly known as Kedah Peak) or ancient names known as Pulai Serai island. There are information board near to the peak which story about this history before the sea level receded letting it form a mountain. Gunung Jerai becomes the highest peak in the Northern part of Peninsular Malaysia with the height of 1175 meter. Gunung Jerai is located in Kedah or specificly between Kuala Muda dan Yan district.
This mountain is a massive limestone outcrop and is a lone feature from the surrounding geography of the area, which at the peak the visitors can see clearly the landed area surrounding with the paddy field and the sea. The location of the geography of Gunung Jerai are allowed the indian traders and seafarers to use the mountain as a navigational point more than 1500 years ago. The mountain was considered sacred by the ancient Malays so they built temples from the foothills up to the summit. 

There are many stories and historical ancient about the Gunung Jerai I can write here, but that are not my intention...I don't want to elaborate something skeptical with the ancient story or fairy tales. 
I want to elevated the new looks, new perspectives, new paradigm and new hopes of Gunung Jerai. It is about Gunung Jerai Botanical Garden or more specifically Orchid conservation and ex-situ habitat in Gunung Jerai Botanical Garden.

From what I know, this project is initiate by Micheal Ooi who own Ooi Leng Sun Orchids nursery and laboratory. Micheal had proposed this orchid conservation to Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Kedah (PKNK - Kedah Development Authority) co-operation with the Residency Hotel (in mutual) to upgrade the former Royal Garden as Orchids conservation area and now are known as Gunung Jerai Botanical Park. It's situated at the top of Gunung Jerai which is beside the Residency Hotel. From what can i remember this project area of upgrading start around two years ago; and now the orchid conservation almost ready to open for public (hopefully). The pictures OdD attached here was taken on 1st February 2015.

Besides orchids, there are other wild plants was planted here such as  Cycads, Rhododendron, Bromeliads, Amorphophallus and many more that OdD dont know the scientific names (I'm not the botanist heheheee). If we talking about orchids, there are many species was planted here...starts from the biggest orchids of the world which have breeds and many variety of colors to the orchids are fly from the Africa and Amazon jungle...

OdD will update another parts of this post in details soon.... (please pray for me to finish my innovation works early...so OdD have time to update this blog...)

Ok... see you in next post soon hopefully.... 

Scenery from Top of Gunung Jerai inside Gunung Jerai Botamical Park
Mr Micheal Ooi observed the project area with Mr Aque Azemi (FB nick name)

Celogyne's and aerides planted on the tree

Paphiopedilum species planted at the ground bed in Gunung Jerai Botanical Park

Paphiopedilum sp on the jungle bed...planted in group
Try to imagine when all these Paphiopedilum blooms....waaaaa
Grammathophylum staepeliflorum ex-situ
Dendrobium farmeri, one of the best specimen orchid in Malaysia 

Bulbophyllum becarii fly from borneo and now in the Gunung Jerai Botanical Park
Dendrobium species...which are in-situ to Gunung Jerai Botanical Park

Wild plants from outside Gunung Jerai was planted in this park

Sansevieria sp fly from their origin and  now ex-situ in GJBP

Cycads area...fly from africa...from seeds at the first place...then after almost 20 years now at GJBP

Cycads and Bromeliads meeting here...Africa and Amazon meets in GJBP

Bromeliads bed...really amazing scenery on the jungle bed

Cactus...seems not very happy at the beginning transfer at GJBP

Looking from the top of the tree

Cycads garden from the top of the tree

Really nice specimen Cycads...looks very happy planted here
Cycads gardens at GJBP

Bird of paradise...is it true that Micheal Ooi want to build bird paradise here? Wait for next post....

See you in the next post about GJBP...

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better ~ Albert Einstein
Makarimi Abdullah

Good day all...

Long time I'm not updates my blog due to time constraints. Most of the time I'm busy with my innovation projects. Hope it will end very soon.

Ok here are the updates...

Event: Taiping Bi-Monthly Orchid Show
Date: 12th July 2015 (Sunday)
Time: 9.00 am - 3.00 pm
Venue: Taiping Lake Garden, Taiping, Perak.

Best Plant of the Show: Eplc. Don Herman

Close up: Eplc. Don Herman

Reserve Best Plant: Catasetum (Susan Fuchs x Kampar Yip)
Close-Up: Catasetum (Susan Fuchs x Kampar Yip)
Bc, Little Mermaid

Rth. Varut Feastfull

Blc Alma Kee

Blc. Keowee

Rlc. Golf Green 'Hairy Pig'

Lc Loog Tone 'red'
Vanda Chulee Classic

Doritis Pulcherima
Dendrobium Enobi Purple

Dendrobium Little Green Apple

Fdk. After Dark ' Black Pearl'
Clowesatum Pierre Couret

Dendrobium Merit Island

Dendrobium Tan Eng Koon

The next Taiping Bi-Monthly Orchid show is on September... see you there.

In joy or sadness flowers are our constant friends ~ Okakura Kakuzō