Makarimi Abdullah
New hybrid Cattleya

This is the second successful hybrid made by Orchid de Dangau. In the process to register a new name. If you know the parentage please message me via FB, maybe you are lucky to be the 1st owner of this hybrid. (Open only for Malaysian).. Closing date is 1 month from this post.

The flower is the poetry of reproduction. It is an example of the eternal seductiveness of life~Jean Giraudoux
Makarimi Abdullah

Bulbophyllum graveolens 'spotted'

This bulbophyllum under section Cirrhopetalum which is fringed-petaled. Other name to this bulbophyllum is robust cirrhopetalum.
This species originated from New Guinea in rainforests on tree trunks at elevations between 100 to 600 meters. It has a very large and single leafted epiphyte. The leaf size can achieve up to 9 inch long some times can more than that. This orchid bracteate inflorescence which has an apical umbel of many long-lasting flowers sometimes more than 10 flowers. It held below the leaves.
This species requires a heavy pot to contain the large and robust plant and should be given hot temperatures, partial shade and high humidity as well as regular watering.

Even if the flower is no more, still, the fragrance can be~Jaggi Vasudev
Makarimi Abdullah

Epidendrum calanthum

Also known mini lavender pink reed stem, this orchid distributes from the montane Tropical rainforest of Bolivia (including Cochabamba), Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, and the West Indies.
This species is sympodial habit, terete stems covered from the base with close, tubular, disthicous sheathes which are leaf-bearing on the upper part of the stem, and a terminal peduncle covered from its base with close, tubular sheathes. The stem grows up to 1 m tall below the inflorescence, and the inflorescnece itself grow to 0.4 m tall, with the white to pink resupinate flowers born in a congested raceme at the end. The leaves grow to 10 cm long.
Remarkably this orchid can grow well here in Malaysia with no season.

When I walk with you I feel as if I had a flower in my buttonhole~William Makepeace Thackeray
Makarimi Abdullah

Rhyncostylish gigantea 'purple spot' '

Rhyncostylish gigantea also known the giant Rhyncostylish. Why the giant? It is because this plant have the biggest size of flower and plant in the family.
Rhyncostylish gigantea is native to Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Borneo and Indonesia. But until today, i never get/found, the plant originally from Malaysia forest🤔🤔🤔
This species can be found at 265m and above sea level, with this condition it is the best choice to have one in your garden.
It is monopodial, warm to hot growing epiphyte, which reaching 61 cm in height, with a stout, 10 cm stem carrying imbricating at the base, linear, very thick, channeled, acute lobed apically, up to 30 cm long and 5-7.5 cm wide leaves.

Happiness is the natural flower of duty~Phillips Brooks
Makarimi Abdullah

Rhyncostylish gigantea 'alba'

Rhyncostylish gigantea also known the giant Rhyncostylish. Why the giant? It is because this plant have the biggest size of flower and plant in the family.
Rhyncostylish gigantea is native to Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Borneo and Indonesia. But until today, i never get/found, the plant originally from Malaysia forest🤔🤔🤔
This species can be found at 265m and above sea level, with this condition it is the best choice to have one in your garden.
It is monopodial, warm to hot growing epiphyte, which reaching 61 cm in height, with a stout, 10 cm stem carrying imbricating at the base, linear, very thick, channeled, acute lobed apically, up to 30 cm long and 5-7.5 cm wide leaves.

Happiness radiates like the fragrance from a flower and draws all good things towards you~Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Makarimi Abdullah

Rhycolaeliocattleya Sa-Ngob Delight

This hybrid registered in 2001 by Mr K. Vejvarut.

The parentage is between Rlc Dorcille Little x Cattleya interglossa.
The inflorescence can up to 4 flowers at once which the size ~4inch in diameter.
Bi-folate plant and free flowering.

Be honest, be nice, be a flower not a weed~Aaron Neville
Makarimi Abdullah

Bulbophyllum graveolens 'spotless'

This bulbophyllum under section Cirrhopetalum which is fringed-petaled. Other name to this bulbophyllum is robust cirrhopetalum.

This species originated from New Guinea in raiforests on tree trunks at elevations between 100 to 600 meters. It has a very large and single leafted epiphyte. The leaf size can achieve up to 9 inch long some times can more than that. This orchid bracteate inflorescence which has an apical umbell of many long-lasting flowers sometimes more than 10 flowers. It held below the leaves.

This species requires a heavy pot to contain the large and robust plant and should be given hot temperatures, partial shade and high humidity as well as regular watering.

Happiness radiates like the fragrance from a flower and draws all good things towards you~Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Makarimi Abdullah

Laelia X briegeri

Not so sure about the correct name of this laelia. From searching in internet it given as X briegeri.. Maybe yes or maybe not...but the color seems strongly carry from this blood and the color too, so intense yellow.
Really appreciate if somebody can give the correct id. Thanks in advance

A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love~Max Muller
Makarimi Abdullah
Cattleya aclandiae
(Another variant)

This orchid endemic to Bahia , specifically the southern and southeastern regions of the state. The species is generally found in the Atlantic Forest range above 400 meters in altitude . Behaves epiphyte , it reaches about 20 cm , leaves smooth, rigid and elliptical and flowers ranging from light green to dark green with spots brown and lip of color purple .

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair~Khalil Gibran
Makarimi Abdullah

Cymbidium ensifolium

Commonly known as four-season orchid,
Others name are golden-thread orchid, spring orchid, burned-apex orchid and rock orchid. And some orchidist called Cymbidium With The Sword Shaped Leaves.

This orchid normally found in Thailand, Myanmar, Japan, China, Vietnam , Laos, Hong Kong to Sumatra and Java. But this plant is so special, because found in Malaysia and OdD bought from Zee Mex Pemborong... Thanks for the special specimen😊😊😊

This orchid grow well in evergreen broadleafed plateau forests in soils dampened by mists and splash along steep watercourses or on mossy limestone rocks as a lithophyte at elevations from sea level up to 1500 meters. This orchid grows in medium sized, hot to cool growing terrestrial species with small pseudobulbs enveloped completely by imbricating leaf-bearing sheaths each carrying 3 to 4, strap-shaped, thin, acute, sometimes variegated leaves and blooms in the summer and fall on a basal, erect, 12" [30 cm] long, racemose scape that has a few to many (3 to 9), long-lasting, fragrant flowers.

Nature holds the key to our aesthetic, intellectual, cognitive and even spiritual satisfaction~E. O. Wilson