Makarimi Abdullah
Hola Brazil! Seluruh dunia pasti ingat dengan tarian sambanya...begitu juga dengan peminat bola sepak! Edison Pelé, ikon bolasepak dunia. Post ni tidak akan bincang tentang isu bolasepak...sebab kebanyakan individu tahu kisahnya! Di sini cuma nak berkongsi tentang perkara yang kurang diambil perhatian ...sambungan cerita bunga kebangsaan bahagian kedua...negara Brazil.

Brazil adalah sebuah negara terbesar di Amerika Selatan dan ke-5 dunia dari segi keluasan negara. Begitu juga dengan kepadatan penduduk, juga berada di ranking ke-5 dunia dengan populasi lebih 192 juta orang....fuhhh ramainya orang Brazil!

Jika dengan keluasan sebegitu, cuba bayangkan betapa besarnya keluasan hutan negara ini! Brazil,  mengikut Köppen system negara ini mempunyai lima iklim berbeza (lima lagi....), walaupun begitu sebahagian besarnya adalah mengikut iklim topika dan sub-tropika. Hutan negara ini adalah 60% dari hutan hujan amazon (hutan lembab berdaun lebar) secara keseluruhannya. Banyak lagi info tentang negara ini...boleh lah rujuk di sini (hutan hujan amazon) dan di sini (negara Brazil). Kenapa yer banyak cerita tentang hutan? Sebabnya di sinilah....bunga kebangsaan mereka di jumpai ;) Di sini jugalah...bermulanya cerita topik ini...dan di sinilah syurga bagi peminat orkid! Negara ini memang lah termasuk dalam senarai pemilik blog ini...sebagai negara yang mesti dilawati sebelum mati!
Ok berbalik semula kepada topik utama, bunga kebangsaan. Banyak rujukan yang mengatakan bahawa, orkid (Cattelya labiata - corsage orchid)  adalah bunga kebangsaan negara ini. Walaupun begitu ada juga rujukan yang mengatakan bahawa bunga kebangsaan negara ini adalah Ipê-amarelo - (Tecoma chrysostricha). Yang sebenarnya  Ipê-amarelo - (Tecoma chrysostricha) telah diiktiraf sebagai bunga kebangsaan negara mereka, manakala Cattelya labiata di iktiraf sebagai bunga negeri .Walauapapun telahannya...negara ini memang menghargai kepelbagain dan keindahan floranya. Perbezaan antara national flower dan state flower? Harapnya sudilah pengunjung dari Brazil memberi komen di sini nanti.

Cattleya labiata terdapat dalam pelbagai variasi warna, yang di angkat sebagai 'state flower' adalah berwarna ungu (ada dalam koleksi OdD tapi masih belum berbunga ) . Orkid ini mempunyai 'lip' seumpama 'trumpet' yang panjang berwarna ungu  kemerahan. dengan lima kelopaknya juga berwarna ungu. Ia nya dikenali sebagai corsage orchid kerana, sejak zaman dahulu orkid ini banyak digunakan sebagai penyeri tambahan kepada golongan wanita semasa mereka menghadiri majlis istimewa. Cattleya labiata sentiasa menjadi pilihan utama untuk dijadikan corsage. Zaman telah berubah....bukan setakat Cattleya labiata yang digunakan, malah semua jenis bunga boleh dijadikan corsage untuk aksesori wanita.

Hola Brazil!....Well known country with the samba dance and football. Edison Pelé the world football icon, no need to mention...everybody know, no need to repeat the whole story. Here, just want to share  the less intention ....continuous from previous post, it is about National flower part II....Brazil!

Brazil is the biggest country in the South America and fifth in the world, which have 192 million people, which also fifth ranking in the world. 
With the fifth biggest country in the world...try to imagine how big is the forest in this country! Even Anaconda lives here...and there are still unknown races/ tribes stay in the forest...very interesting to explore more and more. Base on the Köppen system, this country have five different climate (another number it no. 5 lucky no. to Brazil?), but most of the place around this country have tropical and sub-tropical climate. The Amazon forest in Brazil is 60% from the whole amazon forest in their big and so interesting! More info about the amazon click here and more info about the country you can visit here.

Why talking too much about the forest here? It is because the forest is the best place for orchid collectors and here Brazilian found their national flower! This country also is in my must visit country before I die.

Ok...back to main topic...national flower. A lot of reference  mentioned that, the orchid (Cattleya labiata) - corsage orchid  is national flower of Brazil. But a bit confuse to many of us. After searching and surfing, the national flower of Brazil is Ipê-amarelo - (Tecoma chrysostricha) and the state flower is Cattleya labiata. A bit confuse about this...What ever it is, Brazilian really appreciate their varieties of their flora. Hope Brazilian visitors can give comment about this.
Ipê-amarelo - National flower of Brazil
Cattleya labiata comes with many varieties, the variety of purple  color is  a 'state flower' of Brazil (OdD also has this variety, but still not bloom). The lip of this orchid is like a trumpet with reddish purple color, the petal and sepal are light purple color. This orchid also known as corsage orchid, because normally this orchid was used as corsage/ accessories for women.

Cattleya labiata - state flower of Brazil
Cattleya labiata - another variety

All things are artificial, for nature is the art of God. - Thomas Browne

This post I dedicate to all Orchid Friends and visitors from Brazil to my Orchid de Dangau. Thanks Brazilian visitors I really appreciate your support and link my post to your forum ;)
8 Responses
  1. Very good Makarim.
    As you know, Pele without another word.
    Forests, there are still unknown tribes.
    Here the times we witness the location of the four seasons in one day.
    The Ipe-Yellow is beautiful, we're getting one to plant it in our trip.
    Orchid like flower symbol? Hard to find one, several, such as Laelia Purpuruta flower symbol of the state of Santa Catarina.
    But on Merchandising, the orchid symbol of our Association is Ionopsis utricularioides. (
    No more., Congratulations on that matter.
    Américo Brasiliense / SP / Brazil

  2. Malar Says:

    Wow! Amazing information for me!

  3. Beautiful flowers. That tree is amazing!
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  4. orchideya Says:

    Great info! Thank you for sharing, and beautiful pictures as always.

  5. Valeria> Thanks for the good info. I wish I can have Ipe-amarelo or Ipe-roxo seeds, I want to plant tn my garden. So beautiful and really stunning. I wish I can have it.I visited the good. The society I joined used Phalp. Niveum as a symbol.

    Malar & orchideya> Thanks for visiting me, sharing is caring ;)

    Cher> Thanks for your comments. That tree is so stunning. I wish I can have it in my garden.

    shaifuls> Thanks, sekadar berkongsi info menarik tentang orkid ;)

  6. Andrea Says:

    I wonder why in your discussion at the last paragraph, you said you also have Cattelya labiata, but yours is colored purple. Pardon my intrusion, but i can see in your photos that Cattelya labiata (i assume your spelling is right)is a tree and not an orchid. Definitely your purple photos are that of Cattleya species and not Cattelya. An orchid is definitely not a tree or otherwise. I wonder why you equated the two. This is very confusing.

  7. Andrea> Thanks for visiting me again. Thanks for corrected the spelling for me, I overlooked at the spelling. Even this Catt have the similar color (discussed here purple to pinkish) the variety is considered on the lip. The lip is different between both Catt. There are many different color and shape of the lip for this Catt., but only the 1st picture in the reference refers to National Flower of Brazil, besides that is not. On the reference of the national flower, they quotes the flower of Ipe-amerelo is the National flower and the flower of Cattleya labiata as their state flower.