Hari ketiga pergembaraan diteruskan dengan menterjah ladang orkid seterusnya. Kali ini di wilayah Suphanburi. Untuk datang ke ladang ini, perjalanan mengambil masa kurang lebih 2 jam dari tempat tinggal kami di Nakhon Pathom. Melalui kawasan sawah padi dan ladang tebu, akhirnya kami tiba di lokasi ini, yang mana lokasi nurseri ini terletak di tengah-tengah kawasan padi dan ladang tebu.
Third day orchid adventure continue. To go to this farm it takes more than 2 hours from our hotel at Nakhon Pathom . Along that road, we need to pass through rice field and sugar cane field...so peaceful.
Pachara Orchid Inter Trade Ltd. |
Tillandsias and Bromeliads @ Pachara Orchid Inter Trade Ltd |
Sebelum ini, OdD pernah melewati laman web Pachara Orchid Inter Trade Ltd. ini...akhirnya sampai juga ke farm ini ;) Seperti kebanyakan farm yang di lawati, mereka lebih banyak koleksi vanda dan allied hybrid. Mulanya rasa bosan juga...tetapi kebosanan terubat apabila terdapat kelainan pada ladang kali ini. Tillandsia dan Bromeliad serta beberapa spesis yang 'special' amerika selatan. Teruja sungguh lol ;)
Before this, I had been surfed the Pachara Orchid Inter Ltd, and at last I'm here. I never know that we will visit this farm. As previous visit in Chom Orchid and Sanphueng orchid garden, there are a lot of Vanda and allied hybrids. Here also almost the same, but there are something unusual...Tilandsia, Succulents and Bromeliad and also some species from South America. I'm very excited!!!
Rows of Vanda |
Tillandsia advena...propagation area |
Succullent NOID |
Succulent NOID |
Jika sebelum ini, ladang orkid yang kami lawati semuanya di letakkan pasir sungai di bawahnya, tapi kali ini terdapat air bertakung di bawahnya. Ini kerana ladang ini telah di ubah suai dengan menukarkan perusahaan sawah padi kepada penanaman padi. Kira ladang tebus guna lah ni.Di sini banyak juga OdD memborong...orkid spesis ada, orkid hybrid pun ada dan tak ketinggalan tillandsia. Syok sungguh memborong...banyak jugaklah berhabis.
Mari kita tengok apa yang ada di Pachara Orchid @ My exoptic farm ini.
farm and garden, they put the river sand all over the place, but here
there are water at the bottom of the orchid rows. Something interesting
to looks. Actually, previously this farm is rice field, but they
re-manage to build the orchid farm. So interesting to looks and this is
the good idea! What ever it is, they just want to keep the RH% at more
than 60%. Here, I bought a lot of orchid, since they also have many
specis collection from South America and native species, besides I also
collect Tillandsia, so this is the best way to add my
collections...Bromeliad....may be next time. Let looks what they have
here, may be next time you want to visit...
Vandopsis gigantea...native to Thailand...really rare to see the flower |
Paraphal. denevei x ?? |
Euchile citrina |
Lc Loog Tone
Pelbagai jenis Bromeliad mempunyai corak yang amat menarik...mula lah nak minat ni ;)
Varieties of Bromeliads...the patterns looks so beautiful
Gardening is a matter of your enthusiasm holding up until your back gets used to it. ~Author Unknown