Makarimi Abdullah
Selepas melawat Chom Orchid sekitar Nakhon Pathom, Ratchaburi, rombongan kami bertolak pula ke Suan Phung, Ratchaburi. Perjalanan dari Nakhon Pathom mengambil masa kira-kira 3 jam lebih, melalui perkampungan dan bukit bukau. Di fahamkan kawasan ini terletak berhampiran wilayah Kanchanaburi, iaitu lebih ke Utara, Thailand. Persekitarannya banyak berbeza dari Malaysia, yang mana ke Utara Thailand ia lebih kepada iklim tropika. Hutannya tidak setebal hutan di Malaysia, sebaliknya terdapat banyak semak samun kecil dan pokok buluh. Sesekali terasa seperti berada di perkampungan 'cowboy' pulak, sebab persekitarannya yang kontang dan berbatu.

After visited Chom Orchid Nursery around Nakhon Pathom, Ratchaburi, we continue our journey more to the north of this territory. This journey took more than 3 hours from Nakhon Pathom. From our understanding this place is end of Ratchaburi territory which is very near to Kanchanaburi territory. The environment and the weather so different from Malaysia, because this place is more tropics. The forest is so different, which just have the small bushes and the bamboo. Sometimes feel likes we stay at cowboy area, the environment is look a like cowboy town!

Sanphueng Orchids Garden....situated between two hills

Small lakes just behind the orchid garden

Berbalik kepada pengembaraan orkid, kami datang ke sini kerana terdapat satu kawasan ladang orkid yang dibuka kepada umum iaitu Suanpheung Orchid Garden. 'Garden' ini terletak antara bukit dan berlembah, malah terdapat tasik kecil di antara kawasan berbukit ini. Ini memberi kelembapan semulajadi kepada orkid-orkid di sini. Malah kami yang berada di nurseri ini pun rasa agak kurang selesa kerana terlalu lembab menyebabkan berpeluh dan melekit. Apa pun kerana orkid punya pasal ini semua di tolak ke tepi.

Ok, back to orchid story, we come here because there are one orchid nursery which is quite famous here, Suanpheung Orchid Garden. This Garden is open to public. But i not ask from what time this orchid garden are open. So excited with orchid, make me forget about that. At least you know, here there are one orchid farm is open to public ;) This garden is situated between two hills and there are small lake between them. So it will give natural humidity to this garden.

The banner inside the garden...I don't understand ;(

The signboard beside the road
Rows of Rhyncostylish gigantea welcoming you at the main entrance

Rows of Ascocenda hybrids welcoming you at the main entrance

Rows of vanda hybrids welcoming you at the main entrance

Taman ini di buka kepada umum, tapi tidak pasti pula waktunya, terlupa pulak nak tanya, sebab dah terlalu 'excited' bila tengok orkid di sini. Kami di sambut dengan haruman dari Rhyncostylish gigantea yang sedang berkembang mekar di sini. Kami di hidangkan dengan pelbagai variasi warna spesis ini serta hybrid vanda, rhyncostylis dan ascocenda.
Di sini masih banyak vanda dan hibrid seangkatan dengan nya, OdD kurang lah sikit nak menanam orkid jenis ini. Jadi OdD dan teman banyak mencari spesis jenis lain untuk di bawa pulang. Banyak juga spesis dan hibrid orkid yang kami 'borong'...bolehlah...harganya pun memang lebih murah jika dibandingkan dengan negara sendiri. Marilah kita tengok apa yang ada....dan berakhirnya hari ke dua di Thailand. Selebihnya bersambung lagi...

At the main entrance we are welcome with the fragrant of Rhyncostylish gigantea with many variant of colors and side by side with vanda and asco allied hybrids. So beautiful and the fragrant so nice. Here still have many vandas hybrid to be choose,  but for OdD and friend, this is not our intention. So we explore this garden to find what we want...and at last we found some species and hybrid to buy. Worth cheap :) So we see what do we have here and end of second day of the trip. More of this orchid adventure will be continue...

The main entrance ...side by side with array of orchids for sale

Vandas Pachara Delight...just choose which one you want!

Rows of vandas hybrid pink to be choose

More of vandas hybrid

Ascocenda hybrid
Vanda cerulea 'pink'

Paraphal. laycockii x Asc. Aroonsri Beauty
Vanda lamellata hybrid

Dendrobium lindleyi
Dendrobium primulinum

Rhyncostylish gigantea 'normal variant'
Rhyncostylish gigantea ''spotted variant'

Coelogyne lentiginosa
 Gardens are a form of autobiography.  ~Sydney Eddison

5 Responses
  1. ahmadyusof Says:

    Salam..Makarimi...semoga sihat di sana.
    Nak tanya sikit...
    Macamana sistem pebajaan dan fungicide di sana ?
    Maksud saya baja chemical/organic ? dan fungicide berasingan ke ?

  2. What an interesting trip and some lovely Orchids shown here.

    Cher Sunray Gardens

  3. 依之汉 Says:

    Ada tak tanya mengenai amalan perladangan di sana? Bagaimana diorang uruskan ladang? Teringin gak nak tau. Mana tau ada sesuatu perkara baru kita boleh belajar daripada mereka.

  4. What a treat to see so many varieties of orchids on one spot. I particularly like the Vandas Pachara blue, so beautiful.

  5. ahmadyusof> Salam, kurang sihat sikit lah...cuaca panas dan hujan yang tak menentu di tempat saya. Pembajaan dan racun di sana menggunakan chemical semuanya. Semestinya racun dan baja perlu 'alternate' setiap minggu. Tak boleh campur baja dan racun serentak.

    Cher> This is among the best place I visited in outskirt Bangkok.

    I Wong> Sistem perladangan di sini hampir 80% pengurusan ladang adalah automatik. Sistem pembajaan dan racun juga automatik. Oleh kerana orkid memerlukan RH% yang tinggi mereka terpaksa menggunakan kaedah yang murah tetapi berkesan kepada tanaman mereka.

    TSB> I also likes Vanda Pachara Delight. The color so nice.