Makarimi Abdullah
Recently orchids blooming in my garden this week.

Blc. Eagle Eye 'All Victory'

Cattleya lueddemanniana 'rubra haidee'

Potinara Hoku Gem

Potinara Thiti 'Chanchai Gold'

Cattleya nobilior 'amaliae'

Lc. Rojo

Blc. Chyong Guu Swan

Ett. Volcano Trick

Bc. Green Dragoon

Cattleya labiata 'rubra castro'

Otaara Hwa Yuan She Shu (Lctna. Peggy San x Blc. Sunset Bay)
Encyclia alata

Maxillaria nasuta
Encyclia tampensis 'albolabia'

Christensonia vietnamica

Phalaenopsis bellina

Flowers are the music of the ground. From earth's lips spoken without sound. ~ EDWIN CURRAN 

This post I dedicate and welcome to my Orchid Friend -  K Mar from Malaysia to my Orchid de Dangau. Thanks K Mar for being my 68th friend here. I really appreciate your support.
Makarimi Abdullah
Episod Jalan-jalan kali ini kita ke Utara Tanah Air - Perlis Indera Kayangan.

This time, Jalan-jalan episode  to Perlis Indera Kayangan, the northern state of Peninsular  Malaysia

Pada 7 April yang lalu, selepas Pameran dan pertandingan Orkid Bulalan Persatuan Orkid Perlis, OdD dan OC sempat melawat ke KB Orchid Horticulture. Lokasi kebun orkid ini agak ke dalam juga, jika yang tak pernah sampai pasti tak akan jumpa. Lokasinya terletak di Jalan Kaki Bukit iaitu jalan ke Wang Kelian. Pemiliknya pesara guru, bagi peminat orkid yang selalu ke pameran dan pertandingan yang di adakan di seluruh Malaysia pasti kenal dengan Cikgu Choe. Cikgu Choe  ini kira orang lama dalam bidang orkid ni...jadi banyak juga koleksi yang 'classic' dan 'evergreen' ada di kebun nya.

On 7th April after finished the Perlis monthly orchid show OC and OdD went to the Orchid nursery nearby, KB Orchid Horticulture. The owner is retirement teacher known Cikgu Choe. This orchid nursery situated at Jalan Kaki Bukit, the way to Wang Kelian, Perlis. Not easy to find this nursery because is quite far from the main road. To find this nursery you need to call the owner. This nursery is quite big and many special orchid you can find it here, most of the are classic hybrid and evergreen collections. It really worth it if you can come here.

Berikut adalah gambar-gambar yang sempat di ambil semasa di KB Orchid Nursery ini.
Here are some pictures OdD captured on that day in KB Orchid Horticulture.

Front view KB Orchid Horticulture : The dog welcoming you ;)

Row of Cattleyas and Dendrobiums under the shades
Dendrobium hybrid 'horn type'

Dendrobium hybrid 'horn type'

Dendrobium stratiotes
Dendrobium Fire Coral

Dendrobium friedericksianum

Dendrobium primulinum

Dendrobium albosanguineum
Bl. Morning Glory

Lc hybrid NoID

Lc hybrid NoID

Epc hybrid NoID

Lc Chocolate Drop

Lc (Landate x Lulu)
Tollumnia hybrid NoID

Phalaenopsis violacea 'malayan'

Phalaenopsis amabilis x ???

Besides orchids also have collection of Hoya's in this nursery.

Hoya sp.

Hoya sp.

April showers bring forth May flowers. ~ English Proverb

Makarimi Abdullah
 Episod jalan-jalan lagi kali ini...Jalan-jalan di Penang.

Jalan-jalan episode again... now in Penang!

Really nice signborad at the entrance
Welcoming you at the entratce : World 1st tropical live butterfly santuary
The mascots of the butterfly farm

3 minggu lalu, kebosanan yang teramat sangat, kerana cuaca yang hujan dan tidak boleh lakukan apa-apa; OdD dan teman DPF pergilah ke Taman Rama-Rama di Teluk Bahang Pulau Pinang. Tiada perancangan dan tiada hala tuju ketika itu...jadi singgahlah di taman ini. Seingat OdD , kali terakhir OdD ke sini rasanya hampir 10 tahun yang lalu. Lama sungguh dan cepatnya masa berlalu.

Last 3 weeks, I went to Penang Butterfly Farm at Teluk Bahang, Penang. No planning at all. just add-hock visit. The last I visited this place ...I think more than decade ago.

Dalam kesempatan menyaksikan koleksi hidup rama-rama di sini, terpandanglah pulak papantanda seperti di bawah ini! Ahaa...ada juga koleksi orkid di sini...mulalah mata OdD ni meninjau orkid mana yang berbunga. Banyak juga yang menarik perhatian OdD. Salah satu yang OdD tertarik adalah Bulbophyllum becarrii...dulu suatu masa OdD pernah ada pokok ini...disebabkan penyakit spora kuning...pokok ini mati...sehelai demi sehelai daunnya jatuh; dan akhirnya habis umur! Apapun ia tetap pernah berbunga dengan OdD.Waktu OdD melawat di sini bunganya seprti inilah, sekrang tentu dah layu...kerana bunganya hanya kembang beberapa hari sahaja. Yang peliknya...rama-rama ni suka kah dengan baunya yang 'harum' semacam ni...umpama bangkai daging! Terpikir juga sampai hari ini...

Keep busy with looking at the butterflies...then saw the direction sign below. I never realize, there are orchid corner inside this farm. So surprise...I thought just other flowers not an orchids. The most I interested with is the Bulbophyllum becarrii. Last time I have this plant, and blooms twice then after sometime 'passed away' ;-( really sad. The weird thing come in to my mind...this flower not fragrant but give and rotten meat odor. The pollinator is normally flies not butterfly. Little bit curious here. Anyway if the flower blooms ...it is so beautiful...sadly I cannot see this orchid blooms on that day.

Signboard shows the direction of the mini theme corner inside the farm

Bulbophyllum becarrii

Bulbophyllum becarrii flowers bud

Banyak juga orkid yang di susun atur menjadi lanskap mini di sini...seronok melihatnya. Berikut beberapa keping gambar yang dapat OdD snapkan dengan kamera phone OdD. Maaflah yer...jika quality kurang memuaskan. Udah tak buat persediaan begini lah jadinya!

There are quite numbers of orchid plants inside this farm...looks interesting. Here are some pictures I captured ...but so sorry it is just from camera phone...the quality not so good. No preparation so just capture from what I have on that time. 

Artificial waterfall...looks as nature
Orchid corner

The biggest orchid in the world...in the center of the farm : Grammathophyllum speciosum

Celogyne pandurata

Dendrobium barcteosum and Dendrobium ovipostoriferum

Celogyne asperata
Flowers bud : celogyne asperata

Cymbidium finlaysonianum

Cymbidium finlaysonianum
Love corner...with mandarin ducks

Mandarin duck
Paper Kite / Rice Paper (Idea leuconoe)

Cethosia cyane

Another black vein butterfly

Paper Kite / Rice Paper (Idea leuconoe)

Cethosia cyane

The green butterfly pupa

The metallic color pupa

Really striking color butterfly: name unknown

Dark blue butterfly :  name unknown

'Zebra' type butterfly: name unknown

 But these are flowers that fly and all but sing: And now from having ridden out desire. They lie closed over in the wind and cling. Where wheels have freshly sliced the April mire. ~Robert Frost, "Blue-Butterfly Day"