Makarimi Abdullah
Hi all visitors, here I share the beauties of orchids blooming at OdD.

Blc Knot

Blc unknown

Blc (Toshie Aoki x Sri Villas Gold)
Slc. Little Fairy

Cattleya acklandiae

Lc. Hawaiian Starlet

Lc Unknown

Cattleya trianae 'concolor'

Lc Varut Crystal

Brassavola cuculata

Potinara Thiti 'Chancai Gold'

Lc Unknown

Thw. Varut Feastful

Lc Jane Fumiye
Schromburgkia lueddemannii
Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi red

Phalaenopsis violacea 'alba' x Phalaenopsis Billy Wang

Phalaenopsis Chuah Phu Guek
(Encyclia tampensis x Brassavola cordata) x Encyclia tampensis

Tolumnia unknown

Tolumnia unknown
Dendrobium primulinum

Dendrobium convulatum
Bulbophylum annandalei

If you've never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by a flower in spring bloom, maybe your soul has never been in bloom. ~Terri Guillemets
1 Response
  1. Unknown Says:

    Todas estão maravilhosas.
    Parabéns e abraços