Makarimi Abdullah
Better late than never ;) Here are the updates about this show :

Organizer: Federation Of Malaya Orchid Society (FOMOS)

Date: 7th April 2013 (Sunday)

Time: 10.00am - 5.00pm

Venue: Formal Garden, Botanical Garden, Georgetown, Penang

Plant Registration: 7th April 2013; 9.00am- 11.00am

Show area - Cattleya and allied hybrid section

Show area - Vanda, ascocenda and allied hybrid section
Best Plant of the Show: Ascocenda Suksamran Sunlight

Close-up: Ascocenda Suksamran Sunlight
Reserve Best Plant of The Show: (Rhrds. Bangkok Sunset x Renenthera Storiei)

Close up:(Rhrds. Bangkok Sunset x Renenthera Storiei)
Blc Greenwich 'Elmhurst'

Blc (Yen Surprise x Wattana Gold)

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