Makarimi Abdullah
Rodriguezia venusta

Rhyncostylish Mary Motes 'blue'

Rhyncostylish Mary Motes 'pink'

Schomburgkia splendida/ Laelia Splendida

Macradenia brassavolae
Phalaenopsis Orchid World

Epidendrum hybrid unknown

Encyclia Lee Ward

Blc. (Lucky Strike x Pink Diamond)

Catasetum Penang

To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower Hold infinity in the palms of your hand and eternity in an hour. ~ William Blake

This post I dedicate and welcome to my Orchid Friend - John Markowski from  Hunterdon, NJ, United States with his blog An Obsessive Neurotic Gardener to my Orchid de Dangau. Thanks  John Markowski for being my 71st friend here. I really appreciate your support.