Makarimi Abdullah
Setelah pulang dari MAHA 2012 minggu lepas, OdD langsung jalan-jalan cari orkid bersama OC dan DPF. Kebiasaannya kami bertiga...three musketeers ;) 

After got back from MAHA 2012 Show, my schedule is jalan-jalan to Orchid Nursery in KL area. I went to this nursery with my best partners; OC and DPF, normally three of us...orchidist call us  three musketeers ;)
Semasa di pameran MAHA 2012, tidak banyak yang menarik perhatian OdD, nak kata ada semua...melampaulah pula, cuma kurang berkenan di hati. Jadi untuk mengubat luka dihati, yang kurang berkenan di MAHA 2012, jadi singgahlah pula di Hourai Orchid Nursery. Edisi yang lalu pernah OdD paparkan berkenaan lawatan pertama OdD ke sana. Posting lalu boleh di lihat di sini. Lawatan ini kiranya adalah lawatan kedua secara rasminya...Dulu, 2 hari berturut-turut pergi sebab memang dah bermalam di sekitar KL.

At MAHA 2012 show, no eye catching orchid for us, just few we bought. So wedecide to drop off at Hourai Orchid Nursery before get back to Penang. Officially this is my second visit here ;) Previous, I already posted about this nursery, you can read here.
Bagi pemniat orkid spesis...Hourai Orchid Nursery merupakan salah satu nursery yang amat OdD syorkan untuk pergi. Ada juga beberapa koleksi hybrid di jual, begitu juga dengan anak tisu. Jika boleh bersabar dan nak mencuba boleh lah beli anak tisu ni. Buat OdD dan teman, banyak juga koleksi istimewa bagi kami, yang mana berkenan di hati memang tak boleh tahan dan majoritinya memang boleh di beli...sebab utamanya kerana harganya amat berpatutan dan pokoknya juga sihat. Shopping time tak hingat jadi...penuh bonet kereta ;) Senyum lebar...cuma poket jer nipis....

For orchid collectors especially which like species orchid most, this the place you must visit! There also few hybrid orchids, but quite limited. Here you can buy matured plant or cutting plant from the garden. Even though if you dare enough, you can try to plant the orchid from tissue culture. For us, there are lots we can get it here, more than we expected ;) Big smile just our pocket became so thin....

Berikut OdD paparkan beberapa keping gambar yang sempat DPF rakamkan di sana untuk santapan mata bersama ;)

Here few pictures snapped by DPF and I share with you...enjoy ;)

Phalaenopsis hybrid unknown

Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi

Phalaenopsis amabilis
Dendrobium fytchianum

Dendrobium compactum

Dendrobium bullenianum

Dendrobium sp.

Dendrobium sp.

Dendrobium bicaudatum

Dendrobium sp.
Bulbophyllum arfakianum

Bulbophyllum unitubum

Bulbophyllum unitubum
Bulbophyllum grandiflorum

Bulbophyllum grandiflorum

Bulbophyllum sp.

Bulbophyllum plumatum
Bulbophyllum sp.

Cattleya forbesii

Rodriguezia lanceolata

Aerides odorata

Phragmipedium caricinum

Phaius tankervilleae

Collecting orchids are never ending story ~ my 2 cents quote
Makarimi Abdullah
MAHA 2012 (Malaysia Agricultural, Horticulture and Agrotourism International Show 2012) is coming again, and now held at Malaysia Agricultural Exposition Serdang (MAEPS), Selangor. 

Many related activities to agricultural and horticulture are shown in this biennial event. But here I just focus on Orchid Shows held together with this big event. The Orchid Show just a part in the section of floral show. This show was held at Hall A at the central building, please do a visit!

The shows are separated to two part, Part 1 from 23rd Nov - 27th Nov  and part 2 from 27th Nov - 2nd Dec. I just can update the part 1 show. Time consuming and far from my hometown, I cannot join the part 2 show. So sorry for that. But if you want to know more about MHA 2012, you can visit here. So for those who stayed around KL, Selangor and nearby, you still have chance to visit this big biennial show!

Here are the details and few pictures I can share with you:

 Date: 22nd November - 2nd December 2012
Time: 10.00 am - 10.00 pm
Venue: Hall A,  Malaysia Agro Exposition Park Serdang (MAEPS), Serdang, Selangor
Organizer: MAHA & Orchid Society Malaysia (OSM)

Welcome sign at Hall A, The Orchid Show section

Show arrangement at Hall A
Shows arrangement

Dendrobium section
Best Plant of the Show - Dendrobium Bangkok Blue
2nd Best in the Show : Cattleya maxima 'coerulea'
3rd Best of the Show : Coelogyne rochussenii
Dendrobium unknown

Dendrobium Song Song
Dendrobium Memoria Loo Sing Chew
Dendrobium (Penang Black Magic x canaliculatum)
Dendrobium macrophyllum

Dendrobium antenatum

Dendrobium purpureum 'alba'

Dendrobium purpureum 'coerulea'
Dendrobium sp.

Dendrobium formosum 'alba' trilabelo
Dendrobium (Dawn Maree x chrysanthum x bellatulum)
Tolumnia Jairak Rainbow

Tolumnia Golden Sunset x Wilbur

Tolumnia (Variegata x Jairak Firm Peach)

Tolumnia Jairak Charming

Oncidium twinkle
Brassidium unknown hybrid
Cymbidium John Fagaragan
Cymbidium Green Fairlady

Cymbidium hybrid unknown

Vanda Thaimamo

Vanda unknown
Vanda (Dr. Anek x Suksamran Gold)
Asco. Prapawan Gold

Renenthera kalsom

Aranda Christine x Vanda Dr Anek
Aranda Broga Giant

Kagawara Sandy Gold

Vanda limbata
Vanda (Kassems Delight x Fuchs Delight)

Rhynchostylis retusa

Rhrds. Bangkok Sunset
Neofenetia falcata x Rhynchostylis coelestis

Vasco Suprata Delight
Epc. Kyoguchi 'Fumi'

Lc (Burana Beauty x Hawaiian Starlet)

Lc unknown

Potinara unknown

Blc. Golden Tang

Lc Purple Cascade

Bc. Maikai
Laelia undulata

Blc Mildred Rives x Cattleya walkeriana 'Semi Alba')
Blc (Lucky Strike x Pink Diamond)
Rsc. Magic Meadow

Spath. Joyce Steward

Spath. hybrid unknown

Epidendrum hybrid unknown
Paphiopedilum sp
Paphiopedilum parishii

Paphiopedilum hybrid unknown

Paphiopedilum  Winston Churchill

Paphiopedilum hybrid unknown
Phaphiopedilum lowii

Bulbophyllum Meen Ocean Brocade

Bulbophyllum multiflora
Catasetum Tanusha

Clowesatum Mona
Paraphalaenopsis x sepentilingua
Paraphalaenopsis deneveii x Asco. Madam Kenny
Coelogyne asperata

Acacallis cyanea
Doritis How Liang

Phalaenopsis Sogo Yukidian
Phalaenopsis unknown

Phalaenopsis Rosmah Mansor

Phalaenopsis Phua Chu Guek
Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi

Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower ~ Hans Christian Andersen