Salam sejahtera..

Sebelum ini saya ada tunjukkan secara ringkas di fb cara saya menanam semula Dendrobium Hibiki.. Dendrobium hibiki ini diperolehi dari Jepun - dibeli secara terus dari pengeluar asal, Thailand - merupakan meriklon dari induk asal dan Taiwan - juga meriklon dari induk asal.. Dendrobium Hibiki yg diperolehi mempunyai kreteria yg berbeza jika kita mengamatinya.. samada dari segi struktur daun, warna batang dan daun dan warna serta kecantikan bunga yg dihasilkan..manakala harga setiap satu adalah berbeza.. sudah tentu yg original lbh mahal dari klon nya.. berbalik kepada cara penanaman Lain orang lain caranya.. disini saya akan berkongsi apa yg selalu saya praktikkan..

Antara barang yg kita perlu untuk tugasan ini :
1. Cutter
2. Hard Wire  & garden wire
3. Fern bark @ pasu
4. Sedikit moss (jika ada)

Ini orkid yg ditanam diatas sabut kelapa, asalnya cuma ada sekitar 4 batang sahaja..

Sabut kelapa dikoyak dan dibuang

Keadaan selepas sabut kelapa dibuang

Pokok orkid dibahagi kepada 2 bahagian

Orkid dan fern bark

Orkid yg ditanam di dalam pasu, diikat dengan rapi supaya tidak bergerak.

Orkid yg ditanam diatas fern bark. Dibahagian belakang diletakkan sedikit moss, bertujuan untuk menyimpan air dalam sela masa tertentu.

Keadaan orkid yg ditanam diatas arang.

Selamat mencuba
Makarimi Abdullah
This is the way I replant orchid bulbophyllum type, but this post only focus on Bulbophyllum beccarii. The way replant bulbophyllum may varies depends on their needs.
The easy way to get the tips are study their habitat and try to copy and suit with your environment. Basically bulbophyllum needs around 60% shades, high humidity and airy.

Bulbophyllum beccarii is found in Borneo at elevations sealevel to ~ 600meters, means that this is lowland species. Good news to the collectors, especially for the collectors stay in Peninsular Malaysia. 
This species needs hot to cool growing creeping epiphyte that wraps around the trunk of the tree. The shape of the leaf are cup shape, thick and leathery to trapping the falling dietrius from the tree and is invaded by a tangle of roots.

From the habitat descriptions, this species will go around the trunk and the leaf will have cup shape to trapping the dietrius to keep the media  always moisture inside the cup-shape leaf . This trapping media also will give the nutrients to the plant. It means that this is compulsory to culture this plant in that way.

The flower are hanging in pendant, densely many flowered cluster below the base of the leaf. It smell like rotten meat or like rotting Pygmy Borneo Elephant. Even though it really smelly, my opinion the flower really beautiful and elegant.

Let see how I replant this orchid.

First, what you need:
1. Fern bark
2. Sphagnum   moss
3. cocopeat
4. Hanging wire
5. Garden wire/ raffia

Fern barks and cutting wood (Front)

Fern barks and cutting wood (Back)
Bulbophyllum beccarii...bare root and wrapped with the moss

The fern barks have to join together to give enough space to the plant to growth. It joined by using hanging wire (gating green wire) and tied up with cutting wood.

Joined fern barks and cutting wood (Front)
Joined the cutting wood and the fern barks (Back)

Garden wire used to tied the bulb and the leaf to be cup shape to the fern bark

Dirt marks on the leaf, shows the media trapped in the forest
Cup shape leaf from the top
Dirt shadow marking  obviously can see on the leaf from the top view
The leaf need to tied up to the fern and it should wrapping to be cup shape and round the fern bark (trunk).

Fill in the sphagnum moss and coco-peat, layer by layer until reach the dirt marking in the cup shape leaf. 

First layer : sphagnum moss

Second layer: coco-peat
Third layer : Sphagnum moss
 Now, the plant ready to hang....
Hanging the plant under 60% shade

Side view

Another view

Try yourself and see the result...Good Luck ;)

Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all ~Dale Carnegie

Makarimi Abdullah

Hi all visitors,

Just a bit information about Cattleya and their relative species: Schormburgkia orchid
A genus of plants belonging to the family of Orchidaceae. The Subfamily of Epidendroideae under Tribe Epidendreae with Subtribe Laeliinae.

The name of Schormburgkia is named for Sir Richard and Moritz Schormburgk, the botanist who expolred Britsh Guiana during the 19th century. Previously this genus is under Laelia for  a mean time and change back to Schormburgkia, and the latest name I also not so sure. The botanist know better why they always change the genus...but here I use Schormburgkia ;-) (I'm not a botanist...but I know this genus with that name since the first time I plant this orchid hahahaa)

At the first place this genus put in the same family of Laelia is because it has many similarities in flower form to the latter. However, there are few unique characteristics to warrant the creation of a separate genus. The pseudobulbs are large, often oblong or linear-oblong and have two to three long, leathery leaves at the top. The flowers are borne in clusters at the end of long spike with medium to large showy flowers. The flowers have similar size with the wavy or somewhat narrow.

This genus are either ephiphytic  or lithophytic in their growth habit. Commonly its like to be on large wood mount with high light expose. During the active growth it need water with good sunlight to ensure blooming. If for the four season country, the bloom season is spring and summer. 

In tropical season such as Malaysia, there are no season, as long as there are dry season for a while and rainy for a few weeks, it's start to has spiking and few weeks later its bloom. It really free flowering here. This genus need to exposed to sunlight around 30%, the best condition is exposed to morning sunlight to afternoon sunlight.

To culture this genus in tropical season, either use charcoal, fern bark, wood plaques, pumice stone, broken bricks or broken clay pots. From my experience the best media for this genus either using charcoal and broken clay pots.

The taxonomy (according to Carl Whitner - Jay's Internet Orchid Species Encylopedia) have recorded this genus have 14 types species.

1. Schromburgkia crispa
2. Schormburgkia fimbriata
3. Schormburgkia gloriosa
4. Schormburgkia luedemannii
5. Schormburgkia  lyonsii
6. Schormburgkia moyobambae
7. Schormburgkia rosea
8. Schormburgkia sawyeri
9. Schormburgkia schultzei
10. Schormburgkia spendida
11. Schorburgkia superbien
12. Schormburgkia undulata
13. Schormburgkia wallisii
14. Schormburgkia weberbaueriana

At this moment, I collected 8 of them, the first collection from this genus I got is Schormburgkia undulata, which now I have few pots. The extra cutting plant (5 cutting) are ready to sell, and I already publish in my FB.

How to re-potting this genera I will post later in next posting and I will focus on Schormburgkia undulata var luedemaniana/ Schormburkia luedemannii

Here are some pictures taken from OdD collection for you to enjoy the beauties:

There is nothing you can see that is not a flower; there is nothing you can think that is not the moon~ Matsuo Basho

Makarimi Abdullah
All Visitors,
Salam and Good Day, 

'Mesmerizing Colors' the theme represent the event of Floria Putrajaya in 2014. It's coming again this year, started from 14th June to 22nd June 2014 at Presint 4, Putrajaya.

A bit late for me to update this event, however it is better than nothing isn't it...

For those which cannot visit this event, here are some pictures captured during the event. Too many colors, too many spot areas, too many interesting event....I just captured a few and my focus on the Orchids show and flower arrangements. Here for you to enjoy!!!

Welcoming you to Putrajaya
Main entrance
Night scene at the main entrance
Pedestrian pathway along the road
Here are the flower deco and arrangements indoor and outdoor from local and international participants

Indoor decoration and flowers arrangement

Outdoor flower arrangement (garden landscape)
Orchid Show
Oncidium Section
Paphiopedilum Section
Phalaenopsis section
Doritonopsis ,Cattleya and Allied Hybrid Section

Best Plants Section
Phal Ming-Hsing Eagle
Phalaenopsis Sogo Yukidian
Phalaenopsis stuaritiana
Cattleya violacea
Cattleya purpurata
Catyclia Joseph Riley
Grammatophyllum scriptum
Cattleya tenebrosa
Cattleya loddigesii
Cattleya dowiana
Cattleya maxima
Bulbophyllum  arfakianum
Blc Mae Bly
Ponerorchis graminifolia
Rhyncostylish retusa
Cymbidium Sarah Jean 'Clarrie'
Encyclia tampemnsis 'albolabia'
Encyclia mariee
Bulbophyllum maximum
Bulbophyllum lobii
Best Plant of the Show: Paphiopedilum rothschildianum

Paphiopedilum rothschildianum
Best Species of the Show: Dimorphorcis lowii
Dimorphorcis lowii
Best Hybrid of the Show: Doritis Pulcherrima x Phalaenopsis Champonensis
Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same- Helen Keller