Makarimi Abdullah
This show was organized by FOMOS in conjunction with Chinese New Year celebration and held @ Penang  Time Square. This show was divided to two part, which part I start on 14 Jan - 19 Jan 2011 and part II will begin on 19 Jan 2011 - 23 Jan 2011.

There are 30 participants joined this show with more than 300 orchids plants entered on part I show. I just entered 4 plants and 3 plants won the prize. Paraphalaenopsis Labukensis was crowed as 2 major prices for Best Species and Best Plant of the Show. This plant is local species from Borneo. Here are some pictures on this show.

Show venue

Show venue

Best Plant of the Show, Best Species : Paraphalaenopsis labukensis

Close up up : Paraphalaenopsis labukensis

Best Reserve : Phap (lowii x rothschildianum)
My orchid, 1st in category: Blc. port of paradise

My orchid, 2nd in category :  Blc. Haadyai Delight x Lc. Maikai

My orchid, 2nd in category: Blc. Chyong Guu Swan

2nd in category

3rd in category

1st in category

2nd in category

1st in category

1st in category

2nd in category

1st in category

3rd incategory
1st in category

2nd in category

2nd in category

3rd in category

1st in category
2nd in category

3rd in category

1st in category

2nd in category
1st in category

2nd in category

1st in category

2nd in category

3rd in category

2nd in category

1st in category

2nd in category

1st in category

2nd in category

3rd in category

2nd in category

1st in category

This post I dedicate and welcome to my new Orchid  Friend -  Ellada from Greece with her  Aux plaisirs du jardin blog , Juliadam from Malaysia with her Picasa Album, Shyrlene from Illinois, USA with her blog The Bunnies' Buffet , diptani from Malayisa with their blog Dip pertanian  07/08  and azreenafiza76 from Malaysia to my Orchid de Dangau.  Thanks Ellada  for being my 28th friend, Juliadam for being my 29th friend, Shyrlene for being my 30th friend, diptani for being my 31st friend and azreenafiza76 for being my 32nd friend here. I really appreciate your support.