Makarimi Abdullah
Jika sebelum ini banyak bercira tentang Cattleya & allied hybrid, kali ini nak bercerita tentang 'Miscellaneous hybrid' pula. Hibrid orkid ini jarang-jarang di jual, tapi OdD dapat lah beli 2 tahun lepas, dalam 3 bulb saja. Tertarik kerana bunganya yang 'cute' dan warnanya yang menawan. 
Selain itu kriterianya sebab hibrid ini mudah berbunga dan senang untuk di jadikan spesimen orkid. Kriteria-kriteria ini dapat di lihat dari kedua-dua 'parentage' nya. Hibrid ini adalah hibrid antara genera...iaitu hibrid antara dua genera yang berbeza, akan tetapi jika dilihat kepada bunganya ianya mempunyai kriteria yang hampir sama. Parentage bagi hibrid yang di maksudkan ini adalah Macradenia multiflora dan  Rodriguezia lanceolata. Hasil kacukan ini diberi nama Rodridenia Woon Leng 'Red Gems'...mengambil sempena nama nursery yang membuat hibrid ini, iaitu Woon Leng Nursery yang beroperasi di Singapura [nak cuba link kan tapi tak boleh...maybe dah tak beroperasi websitenya ;-(  ]
Pada mulanya rasa tidak begitu yakin nak mencuba, sebab OdD tak pernah nak ambil tahu tentang 'parentage' nya yang pertama tu, tapi selepas di terangkan serba sedikit oleh OrchidCraze...OdD rasa berani nak mencuba. Tambahan pula nampak dari kriteria hibrid ini memang mempunyai peluang yang cerah untuk menang jika masuk pertandingan. Jadi...sapulah...3 pokok. Berikut adalah parentage dan hasil hibridnya...dan ketiga-tiganya memang OdD sudah miliki dan berbunga di kebun OdD.

Macradenia multiflora x Rodriguezia lanceolata = Rodridenia Woon Leng 'Red Gems'

Macradenia multiflora


Rodrizuezia lanceolata

Ini adalah hasilnya :

Rodridenia Woon Leng 'Red Gems'

Where flower bloom so does hope ~ unknown
Makarimi Abdullah
Here are orchids blooming in OdD this week.

Cattleya aurantiaca

Rlc. Hadyai Delight

Slc. Little Fairy

Cattleya walkeriana 'jungle prant'

Lc. Varut Startrack

Lc. Mary Song

Bl. Vida Lee

Cattleyatonia Rosy Jewel

Lc. Wine Festival x Ctna. Jamaica Red

Lc. Netrasiri Doll 'Bicentennial'

Lc. Dan O' Neil

BC Pastoral 'Innocence'

Encyclia tampensis

Encyclia advena

Macradenia multiflora

Paraphal. hybrid ???

Paraphal. hybrid ???

Phalaenopsis hieroglyphica

Neobenthamia gracilis

Macroclinium manabinum

Ionopsis utricularioides

Ionopsis utricularioides
Trichocentrum luridum/ Lophiaris lurida

Friends are flowers that never fade ~ unknown

This post I dedicate and welcome to my Orchid Friend -  Induk from  Malaysia to my Orchid de Dangau with her blog Celoteh IndukThanks Induk for being my 64th friend here. I really appreciate your support.
Makarimi Abdullah
This is another 'special' hybrid blooms in OdD. The special of this orchid, because I have both of the parentage of this hybrid, more special because she have 'splash' at the sepal and the petal. If we see from the parentage, there are no splash, but after hybrid the result give amazing splash...make this hybrid so special and beautiful. The first parentage is Rlc. Hadyai Delight, which is comes with big flower up to 4-inch in diameter. Normally she can bloom up to 3 flowers. While another parentage is Lc. Loog Tone. This Lc, have two variant, which is red and yellow. I'm sure the crossing parentage is come from yellow variant, because the hybrid only has  yellow color. I have both variant of this Lc Loog Tone. Normally Lc Loog Tone blooms in clump, which is up to 6 flowers or more with diameter of the flower around 2.5-inch. 
The hybrid between Rlc. Hadyai Delight and Lc. Loog Tone have intermediate size which is (3 to 3.5) inch and the flower can bloom up to 5 flowers in OdD.

Rlc. Hadyai Delight

Lc. Loog Tone
The result from above parentage :

Rlc. Hadyai Delight x Lc. Loog Tone
Life is the flower of which love is the honey ~ unknown
Makarimi Abdullah
More photos in the show...enjoy ;)

Dendrobium unknown

Dendrobium unknown

Dendrobium unknown 'horn'

Dendrobium (Candy Stripe X Doreen)

Dendrobium ovipostoriferum

Dendrobium Burana Pearl

Phal Ipoh Wonder

Phal bellina

Phal amboinensis

Phal unknown

Phal unknown

Dtps, Sakura

Phal amboinensis

Blc Jumbo King

Blc unknown

Rlc (Haadyai Delight x wyndora)

Blc Port Of Paradise

Ctna. Rossy Jewel

Cattleya forbesii

Blc Orange Nugget x Slc Coral Fire

Pot Burana Beauty x Slc Hawaiian Starlet

Epidendrum unknown

Epidendrum unknown

Epidendrum unknown

Epidendrum floribunda

Epidendrum stanfordianum

Bulbophyllum rothschildianum

Bulbophyllum (annandalei x longgissimum)

Bulb. annandalei

Bulb lobii

Rhyncostylis (retusa x coelestis)

Vasco pine river 'pink'

Asco. Aarthon

Asco Crownfox

Asco unknown

Vasco Viboon Velvet

Vanda unknown

Vanda Unknown

Vanda unknown

Bulb sumatrana

Stanhopea florida

Chysis bractescens

Calanthe Rozel

Maxillaria chrysantha

Phragmipedium sedenii

Paph victoria-regina

Paph rothschildianum

Paph Booth's Sand Lady

Renenthera Kalsom

Mokara unknown

Grammathophyllum speciosum
The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful at all ~ unknown