Makarimi Abdullah
Setelah sabar seminggu menunggu selepas pulangnya dari Bangkok, Thailand akhirnya kiriman tiba dari kota gajah. Kiriman tiba ke destinasi pada waktu malam di rumah teman OdD. Malam ker siang ker....OdD redah juga pergi ambil. Fuuhhh lega....rasanya di hati...dapat juga buah tangan ini, tapi malangnya 4 pokok OdD lesap...entah ke mana pergiinya pun tak tahu. Apapun OdD bersyukur kebanyakan orchid OdD masih elok dan segar.

After a week since arrive Malaysia, I got a call! The shipment from elephant city arrived. Late at night. But I don't care even really early in the morning, I want to go to collect my 'prize' from elephant city. This time the orchid arrived at my friend house, after checked the list, I lost 4 plants, sad. But it is Ok, all of the orchid plants looks fresh and good condition. Thanks to god...

The box fulls of vanda dan allied hybrid orchids

The plants still fresh and the flower still ok ;-)
This is how the wrap the flowers...so the flower still OK even 1 week in the box

Even the simplest wicker basket can become priceless when it is loved and cared for through the generations of a family ~ Sister Parish
Makarimi Abdullah
Maaf lama betul tak 'update' blog ni. Sibuk dengan pelbagai perkara dan memberi ruang untuk diri berehat seketika kerana kehilangan seorang lagi ahli keluarga yang kembali ke Rahmatullah.
Ok bersambung semula...setelah melawat ladang orkid sekitar Nakhonphatom rombongan OdD bertolak balik semula ke Bangkok. Dalam perjalanan pulang, sempat lagi singgah di Chulee Orchid Nursery. Chulee ini anak kepada Mr Adisak, jadi tempat dan 'environment' ladangnya tidak jauh bezanya dari ladang bapanya. Sekali lagi memang banyak vanda dan allied hybrid di sini dan tempatnya masih di sawah padi. Habis memebeli belah dan melawat ladang ini, kami terus pulang ke Bangkok.

So sorry for late update this entry. I'm busy with many thing and co-incidentally I lost my brother last week. So, I take some space to rest and recover myself.

Ok...back to story....after we visited the orchid farm around Nakhonpathom, our group will go back to Bangkok. On the way back, we stop over to Chulee Orchid Nursery. FYI Chulee is Mr Adisak's daughter, so the orchid she sell and the nursery environment is same with her father nursery . Nothing special for me...so just visit and no more shopping. Then we directly go back to Bangkok.

 Di Bangkok, rancangnya nak membeli-belah di Chatuchak...tapi malangnya tidak di buka pula, kerana hari yang OdD sampai tu...dah hari Isnin. Hari Isnin pasar ini memang di tutup dan cuma dibuka semula petang Selasa untuk jualan orkid. Aduh...melepaslah...coz pagi Selasa rombongan OdD dah kena pulang ke Malaysia. Jadi kesempatan yang ada petang Isnin tu cuma sempat melawat 'Siam Orchid Center' saja. Tempat ini terletak berhadapan dengan pasar hari Chatuchak, cuma lima minit berjalan kaki dari pasar hari tersebut.
Selasa pagi...sempat juga kami meredah ke pinggir Bangkok untuk ke tempat jualan orkid dan perhiasan taman...tak ada yang menarik dan berkenan di hati...jadi rombongan OdD terus pulang hampa. 

So in Bangkok, we planed want to shopping at Chatuchak market...but bad news, Chatuchak  market is closed for that day (Monday). This market only will open back on Tuesday evening for orchid sale. So we just go to Siam Orchid Center which is located just 5 minutes walking distance from Chatuchak market.  Just shopping a few and then we back to our hotel. Tuesday morning... we went to some place outskirt Bangkok, which selling the garden accessories and plants , and we cannot found any interesting orchid...so sad. We end our adventure here.

Siam Orchid Center...just 5minutes walking distance from Chatuchak market

Dendrobiums for sale...

Cattleyas for sale...

Just a small space...but a lot of orchid varieties

More orchids for sale

Kassem Boonchoo Orchid Nursery...just 5 minutes walking distance from Siam Orchid Center

Apapun pengembaraan orkid di Thailand banyak meninggalkan kenangan indah...jika tak ada hobi ini...sure tak sampai tempat-tempat ini. OdD akan kembali menerjah dan meneruskan pengembaraan orkid di Thailand suatu hari nanti  dan sudah pasti akan di muatkan di sini. Thailand...kami akan kembali ke sini nanti!

Whatever it is...Thailand orchid adventure gave us a million stories and sweet memories. Thailand..we will comeback!

Sow a seed and the earth will yield you a flower.
Dream your dream to the sky and it will bring you your beloved. - Khalil Gibran
Makarimi Abdullah
Hari berikutnya kami terjah ke ladang orkid Mr. Adisak Hongslip...dekat saja dari hotel. Perjalanan ke sini cuma mengambil masa 45 minit dari River Hotel, tempat kami menginap. Dia ada dua ladang yang berdekatan...jadi kami terjah kedua-duanya. Seperti yag dijangka masih banyak koleksi Vanda dan Asco hybrid. Ada juga satu bahagian tu penuh dengan orkid spesis...ini yang di nantikan. Bila menjenguk ke tempat ni...banyak yg sudah ada dalam koleksi OdD. Jadi just tengok saja lah...memborong? Tak banyak pun..da lah dalam 3-4 pokok. Ladang ini pun di tebus guna dari sawah padi...jadi di bawahnya di takungi air dan selut saja. .Apapun mari kita lihat apa yang ada di sini.

Next day, we went to Mr Adisak Hongslip Orchid Farm, just take around 45 minutes to arrive, from River Hotel, where we stayed. He have two orchid farms which is very near to each other. These farm previously is rice field, but they converted to be an orchid farm. What we can see, a lot of vanda and Asco hybrid again, and just a few of orchids species. Not so much for us to buy, just look and bought only a few...So let we see what they have here...

Mr. Adisak's Orchid Farm

Previously this is rice field...and now Orchid Farm

Row of Vandas hybrid

Row of Rhyncostylish hybrids...in the blooms is Rhyncostylish (retusa x coelestis)

Dendrobium Coral Fire....among the specimen plant in Mr. Adisak's Orchid Farm

Paraphalaenopsis denevei
This is what I bought...just a cutting plant...Ascocenda curvifolium

to be continued...

Thanks to antonio for corrected me by naming the Paraphal. denevei...I overlooked ;(

It's so nice to get flowers while you can still smell the fragrance ~ Lena Horne
Makarimi Abdullah
Tinggalkan sekejap pergembaraan orkid di Thailand....Ini berkisar tentang Pertandingan orkid bulanan yang dianjurkan oleh FOMOS pada Ahad yang lalu. Berikut adalah maklumat lanjut berkenaan pertandingan tersebut. Terdapat kurang lebih 180 pokok yang mengambil bahagian. OdD ada membawa 10 pokok untuk dipertandingkan...dan telah menang 7 daripadanya...kira 70% lah. Kira oklah tu yer...;) lain laki boleh cuba lagi.Berikut adalah beberapa gambar yang diambil semasa pertandingan berlangsung.

This show was organized by FOMOS last Sunday. There are more than 180 plants entering this show. I only manage to bring only 10 plants and won 7 of them...eheeem just ok...Below are the details of the show and let enjoy the pictures ;)

Event : Penang Monthly Orchid Show (February)

Organize by: Federation of Malaya Orchid Society (FOMOS)

Date: 12 February 2012

Time: 9.00am - 4.00pm

Venue: Formal Garden, Penang Botanic Garden, George Town, Penang

Best Plant of The Show: Ascda. Sagarik Gold

Close-up: Ascda Sagarik Gold

Best Reserve Plant: Dendrobium Burana Pearl Y2K

Close-up: Dendrobium Burana Pearl Y2K

Rlc Yen Corona
Ctna. Why Not

Ctna. Varut Crystal
Cattleya Hawaiian Wedding Song

Potinara Little Toshi

Rlc. Haadyai Delight x Bc. Maikai

Bc. Green Dragoon

Blc. White Diamond

Blc. Tiffin Bells
Dendrobium Gotton Suray
Dendrobium Merit Island

Dendrobium Candy Stripe

Cymbidium Golden Elf

Ionopsis utricularioides
Vanda Pachara Delight

Ascda (Sagarik Gold x Meda Arnold)
Vanda Somsri Beauty
Onc. Lilian Oka

Bulb. Arfakianum

Bulb Claptonense

Eplc. Volcano Treat

Epc. Cherokee Star
Oncsa. La Pastora Gold
Dendrobium Palolo Sunshine

Flowers seem intended for the solace of ordinary humanity.  ~John Ruskin
Makarimi Abdullah
Hari ketiga pergembaraan diteruskan dengan menterjah ladang orkid seterusnya. Kali ini di wilayah Suphanburi. Untuk datang ke ladang ini, perjalanan  mengambil masa kurang lebih 2 jam dari tempat tinggal kami di Nakhon Pathom. Melalui kawasan sawah padi dan ladang tebu, akhirnya kami tiba di lokasi ini, yang mana lokasi nurseri ini terletak di tengah-tengah kawasan padi dan ladang tebu.

Third day orchid adventure continue. To go to this farm it takes more than 2 hours from our hotel at  Nakhon Pathom .  Along that road, we need to pass through rice field and sugar cane field...so peaceful.
Pachara Orchid Inter Trade Ltd.
Tillandsias and Bromeliads @ Pachara Orchid Inter Trade Ltd

Sebelum ini, OdD pernah melewati laman web Pachara Orchid Inter Trade Ltd. ini...akhirnya sampai juga ke farm ini ;) Seperti kebanyakan farm yang di lawati, mereka lebih banyak koleksi vanda dan allied hybrid. Mulanya rasa bosan juga...tetapi kebosanan terubat apabila terdapat kelainan pada ladang kali ini. Tillandsia dan Bromeliad serta beberapa spesis yang 'special' amerika selatan. Teruja sungguh lol ;)

Before this, I had been surfed the Pachara Orchid Inter Ltd, and at last I'm here. I never know that we will visit this farm. As previous visit in Chom Orchid and Sanphueng orchid garden, there are a lot of Vanda and allied hybrids. Here also almost the same, but there are something unusual...Tilandsia, Succulents  and Bromeliad and also some species from South America. I'm very excited!!!

Rows of Vanda

Tillandsia advena...propagation area

Succullent NOID

Succulent NOID

Jika sebelum ini, ladang orkid yang kami lawati semuanya di letakkan pasir sungai di bawahnya, tapi kali ini terdapat air bertakung di bawahnya. Ini kerana ladang ini telah di ubah suai dengan menukarkan perusahaan sawah padi kepada penanaman padi. Kira ladang tebus guna lah ni.Di sini banyak juga OdD memborong...orkid spesis ada, orkid hybrid pun ada dan tak ketinggalan tillandsia. Syok sungguh memborong...banyak jugaklah berhabis.
Mari kita tengok apa yang ada di Pachara Orchid @ My exoptic farm ini.

Previous farm and garden, they put the river sand all over the place, but here there are water at the bottom of the orchid rows. Something interesting to looks. Actually, previously this farm is rice field, but they re-manage to build the orchid farm. So interesting to looks and this is the good idea! What ever it is, they just want to keep the RH% at more than 60%. Here, I bought a lot of orchid, since they also have many specis collection from South America and native species, besides I also collect Tillandsia, so this is the best way to add my collections...Bromeliad....may be next time.  Let looks what they have here, may be next time you want to visit...
Vandopsis gigantea...native to Thailand...really rare to see the flower

Paraphal. denevei x ??
Euchile citrina

Lc Loog Tone

Pelbagai jenis Bromeliad mempunyai corak yang amat menarik...mula lah nak minat ni ;)

Varieties of Bromeliads...the patterns looks so beautiful

Gardening is a matter of your enthusiasm holding up until your back gets used to it.  ~Author Unknown