Makarimi Abdullah
Eloklah kiranya di imbas kembali Pameran dan Pertandingan Orkid sepanjang tahun 2012. Persatuan - persatuan orkid di Utara Semenanjung Malaysia banyak menganjurkan pertandingan hampir setiap bulan. OdD menyertai ke hampir semua pertandingan yang di adakan. Ada yang terlepas kerana kesibukan masa, begitu juga yang di adakan di Ipoh dan selatan tanahair , kerana agak jauh dari tempat tinggal OdD.  Sepanjang pertandingan yang disertai OdD,  pernah juga mendapat kemenangan yang besar. Apapun kesudahannya...tahun ini banyak memberi kenangan indah buat OdD sepanjang penglibatan dengan orkid dan persatuan orkid ini.

Let recapitulate the Orchid Shows in 2012. This year I think, the Orchid Societies around northern area of Peninsular Malaysia organized  a lots of shows. I participated in almost all the shows, just few not participate because of the time is not right for me. The orchid shows in Ipoh, Perak and Southern Peninsular Malaysia, I not participate because it's to far from my home. Since I joined the society and participated in the orchid shows, I ever won the major price and a lots of other prices this year. What ever it is, this year end with sweet memories. Hope we see again next year with more spectacular blooms ;-)

January 2012

Date: 8th January 2011 @ Taiping Lake Garden, Taiping Perak
Organizer: Taiping Orchid Society
Best Plant of the Show : Dendrobium Frosty Dawn
Date: 12th - 16th January 2012 @ Sungai Kerian Waterfront, Parit Buntar, Perak
Organizer: Perak Orchid Society

Best Plant of the Show: Cycnoches (Anne Kathrin Beger x cooperii)

February 2012

Date: 12th February 2012 @ Formal Garden, Botanical Garden, Penang
Organizer : Federation of Malaya Orchid Society (FOMOS)

Best Plant of the Show: Ascocenda Sagarik Gold

March 2012

Date: 10th - 18th March 2012 @ Taiping Sentral, Taiping, Perak
Organizer: Taiping Orchid Society
co-organizer: Taiping Sentral
Best Plant of the Show: Paphiopedilum rothschildianum
April 2012

Perlis Monthly Orchid Show 
Date: 7th April 2012 @ Taman Rimba Herba, Batu Pahat, Perlis
Organizer: Perlis Orchid Society

Best Plant of The Show: Dendrobium smilliae 'pink'

Penang Monthly Orchid Show 2012 
Date: 8th April 2012 @ Formal Garden, Botanical Garden, Penang
Organizer: Federation of Malaya Orchid Society (FOMOS)

Best Plant of the Show: Rhyncostylish coelestis x Ascda. Bangkutian Gold

May 2012

 Taiping Monthly Orchid Show
Date: 13th May 2012 @ Taiping Lake Garden, Taiping, {erak
Organizer: Taiping Orchid Society

Best Plant of The Show: Phalaenopsis amboinensis

Perlis Orhid Show : Perlis Agriculture Show 2012
Date: 24th-27th May 2012 @ Dataran Dato' Sheikh Ahmad, Kangar, Perlis
Organizer: Perlis Orchid Society
Co-organizer: Jabatan Pertanian Negeri Perlis

Best Plant of the Show: Grammathphyllum Yunnan Tiger
 June 2012

Penang Annually Orchid Show 2012
Date: 3rd - 10th June 2012
Organizer: Federation of Malaya Orchid Society (FOMOS) @ Botanical Garden, Penang
Co-organizer: Penang State Government

Best Plant of The Show - Dendrobium macrophyllum

July 2012

Orchid Show @ FLORIA 2012
Date:  30th June - 8th July 2012 @ Waterfront, Precinct 2, Putrajaya
Organizer: Orchid Society of Malaysia
Co-Organizer: Putrajaya Municipal Authority

Best Plant of the Show : Asco Bangkutian Gold x Aerides lawrenciana


Singapore Orchid Garden 2012: Orchid Show
Date: 7th - 15th July 2012
Organizer: Orchid Society of South East Asia (OSSEA)

Best Plant of the Show : Dendrobium schulleri

 September 2012

Taiping Monthly Orchid Show September 2012 
Date: 9th September 2012 @ Taiping Lake Garden, Taiping, Perak
Organizer: Taiping Orchid Society

Best Plant of The Show: Spathoglottis Hybrid

FOMOS AGM Mini Orchid Show
Date: 16th September 2012 @ Georgetown City Hotel, Penang
Organizer: Federation of Malaya Orchid Society (FOMOS)

Bc. Maikai x Cattleya Intermedia

October 2012

Perlis Monthly Orchid Show October 2012
Date: 22th September 2012 @ Taman Rimba Herba, Batu Pahat, Perlis
Organizer: Perlis Orchid Society

Best Plant of the Show: Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi

Penang Monthly Orchid Show October 2012
Date: 14th October 2012 @ Botanical Garden, Penang
Organizer: Federation of Malaya Orchid Society (FOMOS)

Best plant of the Show: Dendrobium burana Pink Diamond 'mutation'

November 2012

MAHA 2012 Orchid Show 
Date: 23rd - 27th November 2012
Organizer: Orchid Society of Malaysia

Best Plant of the Show - Dendrobium Bangkok Blue  

December 2012

Taiping Orchid Show
Date: 4th - 9th December 2012 @ TAiping Lake Garden, Taiping, Perak
Organizer: Taiping Orchid Society
Co-organizer: Taiping Municipal Council

Best Plant of The Show: Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi
Kedah Orchid Show
Date: 10th - 16th December 2012@ Billion Supermarket, Alor Setar, Kedah
Organizer: Kedah Orchid Society
Co-organizer: Billion Supermarket

Best Plant of The Show: Cymbidium Chen's Ruby

 Kedah  Orchid Show 
Date: 17th - 23rd December 2012 @ Medan Usahawan, Kulim, Kedah
Organizer: Kedah Orchid Society
Co-organizer: Kulim Municipal Council

Best Plant of the Show - Vanda Pachara Delight
There are another orchid shows in Perak this December, but I not participate in these both shows.

1. Ipoh Orchid Show @ Tesco Ipoh - 24th December 2012 - 1st January 2013
2. Ipoh Orchid Show @ Stadium Indera Mulia - 26th - 31st December 2012

Hope you enjoy the blooms and the beauties of the orchids all year round in 2012.
2013 will have more blooms and beauties ;-)

Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory ~ unknown
Makarimi Abdullah
Hi, all so sorry for late reply. Too many orchids show end of the year, don't have enough time for me to allocate time for this blog. So here is the update:

Kulim Orchid Show
Joined Organizer: Kulim Municipal Council

Date: 17-23 December 2012
Time : 10.00 am - 10.00 pm
Venue: Medan Usahawan, Kulim, Kedah

Best Plant of the Show - Vanda Pachara Delight

Close-up: Vanda Pachara Delight
Best Reserve plant : Asco. Pine River 'Pink'

Close-up: Asco. Pine River 'Pink'
Best Species of the Show: Grammathophyllum scriptum 'alba'

Close-up: Grammathophyllum scriptum 'alba'

More pictures will update later!!!
Makarimi Abdullah
Kedah Orchid Show
Joined Organizer: Billion Supermarket Alor Setar & Alor Star Municipal Board

Date: 10-16 December 2012
Time : 10.00 am - 10.00 pm
Venue: Parking Lot, Billion Supermarket, Alor Star

Here are some pictures :

Major prizes display

Best Plant of The Show: Cymbidium Chen's Ruby

Close up: Cymbidium Chen's Ruby
Best Reserve Plant of The Show: Renenthera (philippinensis x Kalsom)
Close-up: Renenthera (philippinensis x Kalsom)

Best Species: Dendrobium purpureum 'alba'
Close-up: Dendrobium purpureum 'alba'

More photos will update later...
Makarimi Abdullah
Hi All,

So sorry for late update. I am too busy with many things and in addition the home network too slow...internet service provider very bad! I really disappointing with their service!
Anyway here are the details and update for this show:

Taiping Orchid Society Annual Show in conjunction with Taiping Lake Garden Carnival 2012
Date: 4th - 9th December 2012
Time :
9.00 am - 8.00 pm
Taiping Lake Garden, Taiping, Perak

Taiping Lake Garden view

Major prizes

Best Plant of The Show: Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi

Close-up: Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi
Best Reserved Plant of The Show: Phaphiopedilum parashii

Close-up : Phaphiopedilum parashii

Best Species: Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi 'alba'

Close-up: Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi 'alba'
Tolumnia Jairak Rainbow

Tolumnia hybrid NoID

Tolumnia Hybrid NoID

Tolumnia Golden Sunset
Lc. Jane Fumiye

Ctna. Staryn Butterfly

Lc (Yen Surprise x Blue Imsel)

Blc. Alma Kee

Blc. San Ngop Delight

Blc Unknown

Lc Luna Juane

Rlc Hadyai Delight x Lc Loog Tone

Lc (Hawaiian starlet x Burana Beauty)

Blc . Varut Valentine

Bct. Little Mermaid

Lc Unknown

Blc. Green Dragoon

Blc . Varut Valentine
Brassia Rex

Oncidium Aloha Verrucosa
Rossioglossom Rowdon Jester
Dendrobium hybrid unknown

Dendrobium (Inobi Purple x Rainbow Diamond)

Dendrobium Meritt Island

Dendrobium Emperor White

Dendrobium bracteosum pink

Dendrobium purpureum 'alba'

Dendrobium Hiroshi Tokunaga

Dendrobium (Forsty Dawn x Dawn Maree)

Phalaenopsis Leopard Prince

Phalaenopsis (Amber Delight x Tainan Red)
Phalaenopsis Soo Sim

Phalaenopsis bellina

Phalaenopsis Unknown

Phalaenopsis bellina 'alba'

Phalaenopsis Chua Poh Gaik

Phalaenopsis Chua Poh Gaik

Phalaenopsis Ang Aii Hooi
Aerides leeana

Rhyncostylish retusa

Rhyncostylish Mary Motes

Renenthera (phlipenensis x Kalsom)

Kagawara Sri Perak

Kagawara Dinnesh Gold

Vanda Pachara Delight

Ascocenda Vonnie Wills

Asco. Brightonis Gold

Asco. ( Yup Sin Wah x Blue Boy)
Coryanthes verraculineata

Cymbidium hybrid unknown

Ionopsis paniculata

Gongora fulva

Epigineum zebrinum

Bulbophylum mastersianum

Paraphalaenopsis Kimmy

Paraphalaenopsis laycockii

Paraphalaenopsis (seperntilingua x denevei)

Paph. unknown

Paph. chamberlainianum

Paph. praestans

Epidendrum hybrid unknown

Epidendrum hybrid unknown
I will be the gladdest thing, Under the sun! I will touch a hundred flowers And not pick one ~ Edna St. Vincent Millay