Makarimi Abdullah
This is my 51st post and the last post for this year. Just want to recap since my 1st post. I start this blog on 19 Feb 2010 and I take rest for almost 4 month (no idea and bz with my study). I not believe that I can 'survive' and continue posting until today...ahaaa until today.
Last time I really don't know how to start, even to create the post or attach the picture and so on. Slowly I learn and get some idea, to improve this blog. Thanks to God, give me a strength, and to all followers and readers who give me inspiration and good comments here (almost 200 comments till now). For the first few post I wrote in Malay language and then switch to English, to make it easy for readers and the same time I can practice my English writing ( I'm not so good writing in English, please give your comment).

So far until now there are 2010 hits, 24 followers with 1195 unique visitors have visited this blog...Thanks to all of you!

Now I have a clear direction to continue this blog. My goal is to share the interest of planting orchids, information of caring orchids, the beauties of thousands orchid in the world that I have captured and the information of orchid show surrounding my Orchid de Dangau. Next thing I will do for new coming year....gardening update with my new 'kampung' house, an extra beside orchid.

To all is the bunch of orchids for you...Once again TQVM.

Happy New Year!

Dendrobium Farmeri

Dendrobium Primulinum

Schomburgkia Undulata

Makarimi Abdullah
This week still busy with new project. So far the progress little bit slow. As usual I just maintaining the garden, fertilizing and replant orchid.
Hope next week more orchid can bloom for Taiping Orchid Show.Here are some orchids blooming in Orchid de Dangau this week.

Potinara Free Spirit 'lea' x Lc Tropical Sunset

Blc (Haadyai Delight x Erin Kobayashi)

Blc Chyong Guu Swan

Laelia Purpurata aco "Do Crente" x  ardosia 'striata'

Bl Morning Glory

Lc Ploenpit Crown

Lc Netrasiri Doll 'lemon yellow'
Lc Netrasiri Doll 'bicentinal'

Otaara Jane Fumiye

Cattleya Intermedia (aquinii 'A' x marginata "Vera")

Lc Green Dragoon

Brassavola Perinii

Rhyncostylish gigantea 'purple'

Epidendrum paniculatum
Epidendrum paniculatum
Makarimi Abdullah
Hi All,

First of all, I want to wish Merry Christmas to all, which celebrate this special day. Secondly Happy New Year to all, hope next coming year is more success than this year.

I'm quite busy with new project at home now, planning to build 'kampung' house and new garden. Hopefully everything is fine and this project can finish before I fly to further my PhD. So tired to update my blog, even though I have many thing to publish. 

On Friday last week, my friends and I went to Alor Setar Orchid in Alor Setar, Kedah. The shows held beside, Stadium Darul Aman, Alor Setar, which open for 50 orchid categories. We just bring 3 orchid plants, because we don't have many good plants to enter this competition. The prize quite big, the 1st prize will take home RM150, 2nd is RM100 and 3rd with RM50. It's quite disappointed.We won only 1 prize in Cattleya category, but it's Ok, actually we didn't expect to win any prize.

Here is some pictures we captured during Alor SetarOrchid Show 2010.

Major price: Best Plant, Best Reserve and Best Species

Best Plant of the Show

Best Reserve Plant of the Show

Best Species

Pahpiopedilum section

Cattleya and allied hybrid section

Vanda, Asco, Rhynchostylish, Renenthera, Aranda and Mokara section

I would like to welcome my new Orchid  Friend -  Maurício Murgel from Jahu, Sao Paulo, Brazil  his Flora Paraíso blog to my Orchid de Dangau.  Thanks Mauricio for being my 22nd friend here.
I also would like to welcome to College Garderner for being my 23rd  friend and MAZA's Orchid from Bandar Baru Puncak Alam, Selangor Malaysia as my 24th friend with his MAZA's Orchid blog to my Orchid de Dangau.