Makarimi Abdullah
To all Muslim visitors and friends around the world I wish you Salam Ramadhan.

Semoga Ramadhan tahun ini lebih baik dari tahun-tahun yang lalu dan semoga diberkati dan dirahmati Allah S.W.T.

Makarimi Abdullah
Support Yellow Saturday. More info Yellow Saturday click here.

This post I dedicate and welcome to my new Orchid Friend - Qaseh Bonda
with her Gubahan Qaseh Bonda blog to my Orchid de Dangau. Thanks  for being my 50th friend here. I really appreciate your support.

Makarimi Abdullah
Just green same as the leaf, but this orchid so attractive. So far I have two similar orchids have dark green flower. This orchid can last for two weeks and fragrant.

Clowesetum Black Jade

Clowesetum Black Jade - Close up

Clowesetum Loppe Farlansiae is hybrid between Ctsm barbartum X Clowesetum Black Jade, It have many varian and this varian is C2.

Clowesetum Loppe Farlansiae 'C2'

Clowesetum Loppe Farlansiae 'C2' - Close-up
Makarimi Abdullah
Yellow Saturday anyone? More info Yellow Saturday click here.

Bc. Keowee

Dendrobium Griffithianum
Dendrobiun Chrysanthum
Tolumnia hybrid

Phal. (violacea alba x cornu cervi alba)
Rlc Memoria Srivilas Gold
Makarimi Abdullah

Makarimi Abdullah
Previously I already posted know your dendrobium class, now I show you how I replant them. Hope this post can give you some idea and guideline to replant your dendrobium orchid.

The picture below show you what you should prepare before you start to replant your dendrobium.

1. Your Dendrobium orchid
2. Cutter (sterile)
3. Small rope
4. Pot
5. Sulfur powder

- Cutter must be sterile, just heat it with small fire for few minute or you can clean it with alcohol. Sulfur is needed to rubbed it on the effects of cutting edge at the dendrobium cane.

- All the roots of the cane should be completely cut off, to encourage new root growth. We only need the bare root cane dendrobium.

-Then the cane is then tied-up at the side of the pot and it is must be hanging in the pot. This is to ensure that planted cane not moving on the pot. Good ventilation will assist the rapid root growth. Just put some/ a few of the charcoal in the pot. Then hanging the plant under 70% shades until the plant have the new roots.

- Your dendrobium maybe needs around 1-2 months to have the new roots, as a picture above.

-Then you can add more media on that roots and cover up all the roots.You can start fertilize them and your plant is ready to have the 1st bloom.

Good Luck.

This post I would like to dedicate and welcome to my new Orchid  Friend - Shafa Rahim to my Orchid de Dangau.  Thanks Shafa Rahim for being my 49th friend here.
Makarimi Abdullah
Hi all,

Every Saturday I will update my post with Eight Yellow orchid flowers to supports Yellow Saturday ;) To know what is Yelllow Saturday click here.

Slc Little Fairy

Epicattelya Don Herman 'Gold Rush'
Blc (Haadyai Delight x Erin Kobayashi)

Oncidium ampliatum

Pot. Free Spirit x Lc. Tropical Sunset
Bulbophyllum graviolens
Dendrobium lampongense
Potinara Thiti 'Chanchai Gold'

Makarimi Abdullah
Taiping Orchid  Show was held in Taiping Lake Garden, Perak on 10 July 2011. I joined this show with my friend, Ibrahim. This show was organized by Taiping Orchid society as monthly show. There are around 100 plants was entered this competition. Overall, it is quite good show with only few participants participated. Here, I share the beauties ;)

Shows set-up

Shows set-up

Shows set-up

Shows set-up

Shows set-up

Best Plant of the Show

Close-up: Rlc Memoria Gold

Best Reserve Plant of the Show

Close-up: Blc Haadyai Delight 'Bangprom Gold'.