Among the creature in the world, there are smallest and the largest. Forget about other creature, I just want to talk about orchid ;).
Just some info to share. You know, the smallest orchid just found in 2009, even the history of orchid begin from Greek history. May be last time, facilities such as Microscope doesn't exist.
The world smallest orchid are found in the Ecuador's mountain by American botanist, Dr Lou Jost. This orchid just over 2 milimeters (0.08 inch) across and nearly see-through. It is very hard to see this orchid with naked eye, most of the people will overlooks this orchid if this orchid comes/ attach together with beautiful and bigger than this little tiny orchid. Dr Lou Jost had collected the larger species and studied in the greenhouse and coincidentally found this orchid attached with that collection after few month. This coincidentally found gave a new finding in the orchid world! Interested to know more? Click
Dalam kehidupan terdapat yang terkecil dan terbesar. Lupakan yang lain ;) Cuma nak bercerita tentang orkid.
Sekadar berkongsi informasi ;)Anda tahu orkid terkecil hanya ditemui pada tahun 2009? Walaupun orkid mula di kenali sejak zaman Greek dan mula di dagangkan sejak pergembaraan Chirstopher Colombus!
Orkid terkecil ini ditemui di kawasan pergunungan Ecuador oleh ahli botani Dr Lou Jost. Orchid ini cuma 2 mm dan warnanya hampir kelihatan lutcahaya. Ia di temui secara tidak sengaja bersama koleksi dr Lou yang lain, sema beliau membuat kajian di rumah hijau. Ia di temui setelah beberapa bulan kajiannya di lakukan. Untuk maklumat lanjut, boleh baca di sini.
Largest orchid in the world was found in Malaysia ;) This orchid also can found in
Myanamar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Borneo, Java, Moluccas, the Philippines, Sulawesi, Sumatra, Bismark Islands, Papua and New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. In Malaysia this orchid commonly known as
tiger orchid, because of the spotted color and the color is more similar to tiger skin. Some people called this orchid
sugarcane orchid, because the pseudobulbs similar to sugarcane. The pseudobulbs can reach up to 3 meters and can produce 10,000 flowers on a mature plant in their habitat! The weigh of this plant can reach up to 900 big. The title of “the largest orchid in the world” was agreed to be
Grammathophyllum speciosum. I have few variant of these orchids in my garden. I have posted
here and
here. More article you can read
Orkid yang terbesar di dunia di temui di Malaysia ;) Orkid ini juga boleh di dapati di Myanamar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Borneo, Java, Moluccas, the Philippines, Sulawesi, Sumatra, Bismark Islands, Papua and New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. Di Malaysia orkid ini lebih dikenali sebagai orkid harimau, kerana warnya yang seiras warna harimau dan juga tompok-tompok pada bunga tersebut. Ada juga di sesetengah kawasan menggelar orkid ini sebagai orkid tebu. Apapun namanya ia tetap merujuk kepada Grammathophyllum speciosum, iaitu orkid terbesar di dunia. Walaubagaimanapun, bagi setiap negara kemungkinan mempunyai variasi tersendiri. Ini kerana di Malaysia pun terdapat banyak variasi warnanya. Sebelum ini telah di paparkan di blog ini, di sini dan sini, serta ada artikel yang berkaitan di sini.
Grammathophyllum speciosum |
Grammathophyllum speciosum - close-up |
Grammathophyllum speciosum |
The flower is the poetry of reproduction. It is an example of the eternal seductiveness of life. ~Jean Giraudoux
All are lovely but that last one just really catches the eye.
Cher Sunray Gardens
Oh its transparent. What a nice surprise.
Big or small, they are definitely so unique and beautiful!
Very informative post! Thanks for sharing.
I love those orchids either big or small.
Cassy from Guitar Made Easy