Makarimi Abdullah
It is quite a long time I'm not open my blog and blogging. I got fever and acute said it is because of the changing season. At day extremely hot and by night got heavy rain. Today my health getting better and can go to work...and of course ...i can keep updating my blog.
Even not blogging i still keep my hand dirty at my orchid garden...the orchids make me feel happy and another reason because of the Orchid Show. I need to support the society in the orchid show.
Yesterday, Kedah Orchid Show start launching. Not many exhibitors bring their orchids, even the prize is good. Same with me...i just bring 8 plants only and the flowers quality not so good, usually more than 15 plants with good flowers quality. They said the weather not good, so the plants not have many flowers. The total exhibitors only 15 exhibitors with around 180 plants, normally for this big events the plants should be more than 300 plants. I just got 3 prizes in 3 categories and all are in Cattleya category.
To my friend: Kak Tini and Zul...Congratulation! Both of you won good prize in this Orchid Show.
Here are few orchid pictures in the show. After this, I need to prepare some plants for Penang monthly show @ Little Penang Street Market, this Sunday 31 Oct 2010.
Zul's plant: 1st in Vanda Category |
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| Zul's plant: 3rd in Cattleya Category (medium size any other color) |
Kak Tini's plant: 2nd in Bulbophyllum category |
Kak Tini's plant: 3rd in Any other species category |
Makarimi Abdullah
It just Cattleya's blooming...others genera only budding. So, for coming orchid show on 26 Oct 2010, I only bring these Cattleyas'. Only a few orchids will bloom for the next 3 days...not many as previous show. Now is raining season, start from last week of September until now; so it's hard for me to give enough fertilizer to my orchids.
Normally in this season, many diseases will attack the orchids. To avoid this happening, every week should give enough fungicide to the orchids. The fungicide I usually used is Dithane M45, categorize in class IV. I also used turmeric powder, because it's have excellent natural antibiotic herb with fungicide properties. To know more about turmeric benefit click here
I would like to welcome my new Orchid Friend - Ron Hanko from Lynden, Washington, USA with his Orchids in Bloom blog to my Orchid de Dangau. Thanks Ron Hanko for being my 19th friend here.