Makarimi Abdullah
Eloklah kiranya di imbas kembali Pameran dan Pertandingan Orkid sepanjang tahun 2011. Persatuan - persatuan orkid di Utara Semenanjung Malaysia banyak menganjurkan pertandingan hampir setiap bulan. OdD menyertai ke semua pertandingan yang di adakan kecuali yang di adakan di Ipoh, kerana agak jauh dari tempat tinggal OdD.  Sepanjang pertandingan yang disertai OdD,  pernah juga mendapat kemenangan yang besar. Apapun kesudahannya...tahun ini banyak memberi kenangan indah buat OdD sepanjang penglibatan secara serius dengan orkid dan persatuan orkid ini.

Let recapitulate the Orchid Shows in 2011. This year I think, the Orchid Societies around northern area of Peninsular Malaysia organized  a lots of shows, only show in Ipoh, Perak I not participate because it's to far from my home. Since I joined the society and participated in the orchid shows, I ever won the major price and a lots of other prices especially this year. What ever it is, this year end with sweet memories.

January 2011

9th January 2011 @ Taiping Lake Garden
Best plant of the Show - Bulbophyllum Lepidum

Back to back Orchid Show - conjunction with Chinese New Year 2011
Organized by Federation of Malaya Orchid Society (FOMOS)
Best Plant of the Show - Paraphalaenopsis labukensis

Best Plant of the Show - Dendrobium hybrid unknown

March 2011

Taiping Orchid Show - Taiping Orchid Society
12th - 20th March 2011 @ Taiping Sentral Shopping Complex

 Best Plant of The Show - Dendrobium Spectabile

April 2011

10th April 2011 @ Herbal Forest Garden, Batu Pahat, Perlis
Best Plant of The Show - Dendrobium farmeri var. yellow

17th April 2011 - Penang Time Square
Best Plant of the Show - Grammathophyllum Yuanan Tiger

May 2011

1st May 2011 - Taiping Lake Garden
Best Plant of the Show - Grammathophyllum Yuanan Tiger

June 2011

26th June 2011 - Herbal Garden Forest, Batu Pahat, Perlis
Best Plant of the Show - Dendrobium (palpebrae x crhrysotoxum)

28th June - 3rd July 2011 - Dataran Bandaraya Ipoh
Best Plant of The Show - Epidendrum neopropax

July 2011

Monthly Orchid Show (July) - FOMOS AGM Orchid Show 
3rd July 2011 - Penang Botanical Garden, Penang
Best Plant of the Show - (Brassavola cordata x encyclia tampensis) x encylia tampensis

Monthly Orchid Show (July) - Taiping Orchid Society
10th July 2011 - Taiping Lake Garden, Taiping Perak
Best Plant of The Show - Rlc. Memeoria Gold

26th - 30th July 2011 - Dataran Dato' Sheikh Ahmad, Kangar, Perlis
Best Plant of The Show - Clowesetum Raymond Lerner

September 2011

4th September 2011 - Penang Botanical Garden, Penang
Best Plant of The Show - Vanda Robert Delight 'Blue Somsri'

21st - 26th September 2011- Dataran Stadium Darul Aman, Alor Setar, Kedah
Best Plant of The Show - Dendrobium (griffithianum x densiflorum)

October 2011

1st October 2011 - Herbal Garden Forest, BNat Pahat, Perlis
Best Plant of The Show - Dendrobium |Bracteosum

9th October 2011 - Taiping Lake Garden
Best Plant ofThe Show - Blc (Long River Campton x Memoria Robert Strait)

28th October - 4th November 2011
Best Plant of The Show - Dendrobium (palpebrae x chrysotoxum)

5th November 2011 - Penang Botanical Garden, Penang
Best Plant of The Show - Blc Memoria Crispin Rosales

December 2011

3rd - 11th December 2011 @ Penang botanical Garden, Penang
Best Plant of The Show - Dendrobium Frosty Dawn

Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory ~ unknown
Makarimi Abdullah
End of the year! New year just around the corner! Wrap up what we already achieved in 2011 and set up the new target for 2012. 

Happy New Year 2012

Thanks for your visit, comments and supports to OdD.
I hope 2012 will give more properties to you and your family.
Here are orchids blooming in OdD at the end of the year.

Rudolfiella picta

Clowesetum Loppe Farlansiae

Laelia rubescens

Lc Blue Boy

Cattleya acklandiae

Rlc Haadyai Delight x Lc Loog Tone

Blc. Toshie Aoki x Lc Netrasiri Doll

Blc Chyong Guu Swan

Arundina graminifolia

Ionopsis ultracularioides

Dendrobium mini hybrid

Every story has an end, but in live every end is just a new beginning ~ unknown
Makarimi Abdullah
One of my favorite cattleya and free flowering. I bought her last 3 years with about 6 bulbs. Really easy to grow and easy to flower. Since now already more than 10 times she flowered. The special thing for this time, she blooms with 3 flowers, normally just 2 flowers. I got 3 variant of this cattleya, but this one have the biggest and bright color.

The common name for this cattleya is Lady Ackland's, the english enthusiast ~ 1800's.  This is a dwarf cattleya and native to Brazil.  Very tolerant to the environment and can be direct to sunlight. Have fragrant flower, waxy and long lasting ~ 2 weeks at my environment. The flower size is normally ~ 6 - 10 cm, currently my flower is  ~ 9.5 cm.

The earth laughs in flowers ~ unknown
Makarimi Abdullah
I post this topic after I got message from lowix in the chat box. So sorry lowix and all. I overlooked after there are so many orchids in the show ;) Here are some pictures that I have captured in the show.

Pahpiopedilum delenatii

Papiopedilum praestans

Paphiopedilum charlesworthii

Papiopedilum chamberlainianum

Paphiopedilum sp.

Paphiopedilum appletonianum

Paphiopedilum hybrid

Paphiopedilum hybrid

Paphiopedilum rothschildianum

Paphiopedilum sp.

Paphiopedilum insigne

Paphiopedilum rothschildianum

Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature ~ Gerad De Nerval