Lama dah tak sambung cerita ni. Kali ini kita jelajah ke Colombia pula. Mari bersuai kenal dulu dengan negara ini. Negara ini pada mulanya adalah jajahan Sepanyol, dan mendapat kemerdekaan dari kerajaan Sepanyol pada 1819. Seterusnya dengan pelbagai 'experimen' dan lanjutan peristiwa, akhirnya Republik Colombia diisytiharkan pada 1886. Lama dah tu, dah masuk 126 tahun dah.
It is quite a long time I'm not posting this title. Now continued...we explore the Republic of Colombia. So let we know briefly about this country. This country was rule by Spain , then get independent from Spain around 1819. With many 'experiment' and 'historical event' they named Republic of Colombia. It is quite long time ago, almost 126 years.
Negara ini terletak di Amerika Selatan, yang mana mempunyai jiran yang banyak di setiap penjuru negara ini. Negara yang ke 26 terbesar di dunia dan mempunyai populasi yang ke 27 dunia. Jika di baca sejarah negara ini memang menarik sebelum terbentuknya negara Colombia moden ini. Yang mana perlu anda tahu nama Colombia itu di adaptasi dari nama Christoper Colombus...eheemm menarik tu. Colombia juga merupakan negara persekutuan seperti juga USA dan Malaysia iaitu kesatuan di dalam satu pentadbiran pusat, yang mana ia terdapat 33 buah bahagian di dalamnya. Banyak lagi jika nak cerita lanjut. Jika nak baca lebih terperinci boleh lah
klik di sini atau
di sini.
This country is located at Northern South America, which have many neighboring countries, and the only South American have coastline by North Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea. This country is 26th biggest country in the world and no 27th the biggest population in the world. If we pass through their history, it is very interesting to know more about this country, before the modern country existing now.The important thing you should know is how they got the country name...the name was adopted from the name of Christopher Colombus...eheemm. I also just now know lol. This country also like USA and Malaysia, which are united by the district/state, which they have 33 parts. If you want to know more about this country you can click here and here.
Ok...sekarang masuk bab utama...bunga kebangsaan.Orkid Krismas atau varian dari Cattleya triane diangkat sebagi bunga kebangsaan negara ini. Cattleya trianae pada asalnya di ditemui hidup subur di negara ini sekitar tahun 1840-an. Ia banyak tumbuh di sekitar hutan gunung negara ini. Bunga ini di pilih untuk dijadikan bunga kebangsaan oleh Akademi Sejarah Colombia pada 1936. Walaupun begitu ia tidaklah di angkat secara rasmi oleh perundangan negara ini. Walaupun begitu ia diterima ramai mengatakan ia dalah bunga kebangsaan negara ini.
Now we go to the main topic...the national flower. The Christmas orchid or Cattleya triane are adopted as their national flower. This flower, in particular, the variety Cattleya trianae which was originally discovered in 1840's in Colombia. It was chosen as the National Flower, after a recommendation of the Colombian Academy of History in 1936,
although it has not been officially adopted by law as such. Having a
fetid smell, Colombian orchids often grow along mountain streams are
said to be among the most beautiful on earth.
OdD pun ada orkid ini. Banyak varian yang ada dalam koleksi. Antaranya Cattleya trianae 'concolor', semialba dan varian normal (ungu). Cattleya triane varian normal ini sedang 'budding' di OdD. InsyaAllah jika dah kembang nanti bolehlah di muat turun di sini nanti.
I also has this Cattleya in my collection, So far I have three variant concolor, semialba and normal form (purple). The variant normal is now budding and I will upload it here later.
Cattleya triane 'semi alba' |
Since there are so many variant for this cattleya and I don't have all, I upload it from the net. I credited to them by linking the pictures to their url.
A flower falls, , even though we love it; and a weed grows, even though we do not love it ~ unknown
I really like all these. Very pretty, but there is something about that first one that made me go back and look twice more.
Cher Sunray Gardens
Cher> There are really beautiful even, they are originally from the wild (species). For the first time I see, I also looks twice and speak to myself...all these orchids are from wild species and not hybrid!