Makarimi Abdullah
Here are some orchids blooming @ OdD this week.

Beberapa koleksi peribadi OdD yang berkembang minggu ini.

Rlc. Tainan Gold
Lc Netrasiri Fireball

Cattleya trianae
Lc unknown

Slc. Little Fairy 'all victory'

Tolumnia Dear Gertie

Tolumnia Sabanetta xx Leyburn x Saint Ruth
Tollumnia Barbie 'Strawberry Delight'

Encylia tampensis 'albolabia'

Chiloschista viridiflava
Catasetum denticulatum
Ascocentrum garayi

Dendrobium griffithianum
I must have flowers, always, and always ~ Claude Monet

This post I dedicate and welcome to my Orchid Friend -  Sally_Jaya from  Malaysia to my Orchid de Dangau. Thanks Sally_Jaya for being my 66th friend here. I really appreciate your support.
3 Responses
  1. Mark and Gaz Says:

    Stunning blooms as always! So tropical and colourful!

  2. Lovely blooms. I love the first two and the last two the most.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  3. Mark and Gaz> Thanks for the compliments. I visited your blog, your garden also beautiful!

    Cher> Thanks ;)